Two Bare Feet Surf Crew Mini Surf Board – Review!
Florence has been surfing for just over a year now and as well as taking lessons at Glide Surf School in Cromer (and when we’ve been on holiday in Cornwall) she has been saving her pennies to buy herself a proper surf board so that she can take herself out and practice what she’s learned.
She finally saved up enough and was very proud to make her purchase which she has been enjoying greatly but she does say that sometimes she wishes she didn’t have such a big board to carry but that she could still practice jumping up and paddling which is simply not possible on an average body board. In step Two Bare Feet who kindly asked if she’d like to review one of their body boards which also doubles as a mini surf board and though it’s not a full board it has been helping her master the art of some of the basic moves she’s learned in lessons.

It’s much easier to carry for her and when we know the swell isn’t going to be mega it absolutely provides a great alternative to proper surfing. It’s a great middle man acting as body board for Jimmy when Florence is out on her big board and as a learning tool for Florence when she isn’t.
She says it’s light and that the leash is the perfect length for her and from my point of view the price point is pretty spectacular. I think you can expect to spend about £40 on a decent foam body board and we did just that in Cornwall last year buying one for around that mark which was actually on offer at that price. This board, which is a mini surf board too remember, (the Surf Crew Mini Surf Board) is £19.99 half price on the Two Bare Feet website making it excellent value!

All in this is a great little board for newbie surfers or for those wanting to practice without the hassle of carrying a big board. It’s also a pretty ace body board or as we call them, boogie boards! There’s lots on the website to choose from so go take a look!

We were gifted the board in this post for the purpose of review.