I don’t often have anything good to say about insurance but…
This week my Mother-in-law put petrol in her rather expensive and fairly new Land Rover which takes diesel…We grimaced with her as she realised what she had done when the car wouldn’t start and I’ve never seen my Father-in-law sink a beer quicker than he did that afternoon as we waited for the recovery vehicle to pick it up – well, no one was driving obviously so a beer couldn’t harm!
Arrrgh! You must all know that feeling when you do something you shouldn’t have and your heart sinks as you realise the mistake you’ve just made. The look on her face said it all and when my Mum chipped in to say ‘Well, you’ll never do it again’ and my Mother-in-law said that actually she’d done it in the past, we couldn’t even see the irony and have a giggle because the cost was looking too horrible to laugh at!
The garage couldn’t fix it and it had to go off to a special Land Rover specialist with a figure of around £5k being bandied about for a new engine… It was not looking like an inexpensive mistake but the next day, when they consulted their insurance company, they were told that thankfully they were covered! Can you imagine a sigh of relief like that! It’s only money of course but an awful lot of money all the same!
It got me thinking about insurance. I loath just even the very word due to spending so long working for Aviva which was totally the wrong job and sector for me. I find it so boring thinking about it and I even hate that I know loads of ins and outs and understand so much of it. It just does not interest me in the slightest and my time working for that industry was miserable! I worked with some fab people (also some really boring ones it has to be said) and had a right giggle but the actual work I found monumentally depressing! It has left such a mark on me that I can’t even think about insurance now and have to get Jonny to do not just that but ALL of our paperwork… There are things I can turn my head to but that boring old load of cobblers and I just don’t want to know…
But! As proven this week, having insurance is so very important and we’re going on holiday this week so we’ve had to take out yet another policy. So boring but oh so valuable and oh so something that has to be done! I was so inspired by my Mother-in-law actually being covered and something good coming from paying all those premiums that I even did the travel insurance myself! The first time I’ve delved into that area in over three years. I did find it boring of course, it is, but I wouldn’t be without it!
I know this post might seem like a sponsored addition to my blog but I assure you it isn’t! Just someone else’s sigh of relief reminding me that although it may have been an industry I was uncomfortable in, working for a company I don’t believe treated me very well at all, it is an industry worth having! So, I may have been made redundant in the latter stages of my pregnancy from a job which cared little about me as a person but that same old company is the company that’s paying out to my in-laws now, when most of their competitors apparently don’t for that sort of thing! I guess they’re good for something then! Viva Aviva! (And it’s not very often you’ll hear me saying THAT!)
A week of washing, packing and generally getting ready for holiday with very little in between! Well, we did fit in a trip to a theme park but the rest of the week has been pretty boring I have to say! We were at my Mums until the bank holiday and I wish we could have stayed longer and had fairies come in to pack for us! Oh well, it’s done now and we’re off! The cat and the flat have a sitter, we have our passports and we’ll be back in a fortnight. In the mean time I’ll leave you with some of my favourite pictures from the bank holiday weekend!

See you when we’re back and in the mean time please do follow me on Twitter @rocknrollerbaby.
I was not paid for any part of this post.