Wellbeing Post COVID!

I’ve written lots on my blog and in both my newspaper columns about having better maternal mental health care in the UK in the wake of COVID19 restrictions which have seen new mums left out in the cold for the vast majority of their pre and post natal care. While new mums are an extremely vulnerable group at the best of times with hormonal changes and a very new lifestyle to adapt to it occurred to me that pretty much everyone has suffered mentally somehow this year directly impacted by the virus.
The things we are used to doing in order to keep ourselves well, happy and stable have been so drastically changed that for a lot of people the differences in lifestyle have proven far too much to deal with on their own and talking about therapies to assist with a healthier mind is the way forward.
In other western countries like the USA, therapy is a way of life and as such has been an important part of continuing life even during and after the initial panic of the pandemic. It’s so ingrained in them to keep their minds looked after that a natural progression to looking after their physical health and keeping safe with the virus in mind has been the continuation of a healthy mind being kept also. For us stiff upper lipped Brits perhaps things have been different for the majority and this is why as a nation stats show we have suffered?
There are lots of things we can do to ensure our mental happiness and they don’t JUST involve seeing a traditional therapist which as we know isn’t for everyone.
Meditation is something easily accessible to all both on line and using books and is something that can be achieved in the comfort of your own home. A clearing of the mind and focus on healing while in a state of relaxation is often key to adjusting one’s body to a new climate of change and very definitely isn’t to be sniffed at.
Alternatively more traditional type therapies are very effective and not just aimed at those with enough money to obtain it. Obviously money is a massive hurdle at times but https://www.betterhelp.com offers affordable and convenient options for counselling with trained, experienced and accredited psychologists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers and board licensed professional counsellors. This is a an online service with similar benefits to face to face therapy which in the present climate is very needed.
Sometimes it is necessary to see someone face to face and if you are in immediate crisis BetterHelp do have lots of advice on their site but a visit to your Doctor should not be put off because of the pandemic. There are enough COVID casualties without more indirect ones and medical professionals ARE very happy to see patients in their surgeries in a safe way. My own Doctor has an online form to complete before they contact you for either a face to face or telephone appointment – the key is to be open and honest and tell them what you need.
It’s not always as drastic as needing therapies be they traditional or more ambient and often we just need to do things which make us happy like exercise. Joe Wicks isn’t wrong when he says those endorphins get us motivated if we get them going first thing and often the hardest part is getting started so force that swim or run or Joe workout and try to get yourself going just one day at a time!
Eating well, taking herbal remedies and vitamins and getting enough sleep are always good for the soul too and often forgotten or disregarded as not important but self-care is absolutely something that should be top of your list when it comes to looking after your own mental health. Even if it’s just lighting some candles and taking a long bath these things are important so work out what makes you relaxed and make the time for it. We always find the time to look after other people but this is about looking after ourselves.
And then don’t forget to talk! Confiding in people you really trust and care about can work dividends for both parties as if you share they will feel they can too and a problem shared is a problem halved as they say. There really is no substitute sometimes than a hug (even if it’s metaphorical in these times) from someone you love. Love makes the world go round so trust the people you adore and let them trust you too – let’s all look after each other eh and let’s hope for a better 2021 all round!