Can’t wait! I’ve looked at the website and we only have 13 sleeps to go until our holiday! It seemed like a long time to wait back when we were deciding which park to stay at but suddenly there’s less than a fortnight to go! Florence has been looking at the site which when you add your booking details, brings up a bespoke page just for you! As well as giving you the countdown to your holiday there’s a video of the park which we’ve had to watch countless times, games, accommodation pictures, information about the area and much, much more!
You get to see the time table of events and looking at ours I just don’t know how we’re going to fit everything in in just three nights! We’ll do our very best though! I am of course hoping for lovely weather but you know what? There’s so much to do that if it does rain, I don’t think we’ll mind! Florence is going to love dancing and playing games in the evening with the fun Haven Holidays characters and I think I might just have to join in with a game of Rock ‘n’ Roll Bingo… Well, we are the Rock ‘n’ Roller Babies after all!
We’ve got everything sorted! The reminders on the site of what we need to bring have been very helpful as I’m usually quite scatty! We’re staying in a Prestige 2 Bed caravan which means I don’t need linen but we do need towels and toilet roll! Check! We’ll have to take extra towels for swimming of course and as there’s a spa at Rockley Park where we’re staying, we’ll have to be sure not to forget to bring extras for that – I love a sauna!
I don’t intend to leave the resort really. There’s a nature reserve on site and I don’t think we’ll have the need. It’s close to Peppa Pig World so seemed like the perfect opportunity to visit there but i didn’t want to eat into the holiday at all so we’ve booked a night in a hotel and will go down a day early to do Peppa pre holiday!
Florence is a big Peppa Pig fan and because we’re staying in a caravan, which to her is as good as a camper van just like Peppa has done, she’s even more delighted with the whole prospect! There will be a long car journey of course but Haven Holidays have even thought of that and on the bespoke site there is a Kids Zone where you can print off activity sheets, games and colouring in papers!
See, I told you we were all set!

We’re all going on a Haven Holiday!
I have not been paid to write this post. I have been provided with a stay of my choice at a Haven Holidays resort for the purpose of review but all opinions are entirely my own.