A Christmas highlight for us every year is visiting Willows Farm in St Albans for their Santa Spectacular! It’s an absolute MUST for us and even though we have moved to Norfolk, a good 2 and a bit hours drive away, we still went last year and absolutely plan on doing the same again this year. It’s well worth the journey and absolutely TOO good to miss!
Every year we go with our friends from the Mummy Endeavours team and it just wouldn’t be the same without them so we plan on meeting up for our 2017 jaunt as well! This was our gang last year meeting the big man at Willows – we ONLY see Father Christmas here as he’s the best and almost certainly the real one we reckon – not just a helper like in the department stores! This is Raffie’s very first Christmas and the season HAS to be started in this very special way to introduce him to our favourite festive things!

They put SO much on for entertainment and last year we stuffed a teddy bear, had an interactive cinema experience, visited reindeer, met Father Christmas and were given a key to his toy shop where each child got to choose a present, saw the nativity, went ice skating and did a festive hunt – this was all on top of the other activities that run regularly like the amazing fair ground attractions, indoor soft play and of course meeting all the lovely animals!
You can read more about our experience last year here, watch our video and also read my ten best tips for visitng Willows Farm!
And now we’d like to offer you, our lovely Rocknrollerbaby readers, the chance to WIN A Family Ticket to The Santa Spectacular At Willows Farm for this year! All you have to do is enter via the Rafflecopter widget below and keep those festive fingers crossed! Maybe we will see you there?!
Find out all you need to know about the Santa Spectacular at Willows farm by visiting www.willowsactivityfarm.com.
T&Cs: Prize is up to four Santa Spectacular tickets to Willows Activity Farm. The winner will be able to visit Willows at any time throughout Santa Spectacular (22 November – 24 December). The winner will be drawn on 17th November 2017 and will need to provide a name, email and postal address for their prize to be sent out. Competition open to residents of the UK aged 18 or over.