Neither of my children slept in their cot. We bought one, oh yes we bought one, an expensive one with a very expensive mattress and as I used it as a toy dumping ground, blanket storage and place to shove things under when I wanted to tidy away, I was very pleased with my purchase of course and super glad we’d spent out – sigh! Florence probably went in it for a few hours total and Jimmy, although he did the odd stretch, never spent a whole night in it and it was absolutely not worth the money.
When we put them into their own beds after having co-slept with us while their cot winked at us (I can tell you I thought about getting in it myself on more than one occasion just for some sleep on my own) from the comfort of its own room we decided not to spend too much money. When it came to the bedding we actually got the cheapest possible and from Argos came their toddler bed duvet and pillows. Now I won’t say they were a bad buy because they did the job and for a couple of years have done Florence very nicely while Jimmy is just starting to sleep in his own bed (for a few hours before he comes into us) and having his own duvet with Thomas covers has been a novelty. When we moved Florence into her full sized single midi sleeper above Jimmy’s (and her old) toddler bed, we didn’t change and she kept her toddler duvet even though it wasn’t as long as the bed. But… This winter it has become apparent that it’s just not good enough any more. Not only does it not fit the new sized bed but it’s been so cold that it simply hasn’t kept her warm enough. Blankets have had to be used and we knew really and truly that what she needed was a proper bedding set with some warmth to it and obviously, in the long run, so did Jimmy.
I was offered a review for some wool bedding from The Wool Room and it simply couldn’t have come at a better time. The whole household needs new bedding because of this cold spell and because ours is so ancient as well as not being particularly warm and I was very intrigued to see how woollen duvets and pillows compared to feather or synthetics. We have feather and our duvet was very expensive about a decade ago when we bought it while the children, obviously having the cheap stuff, were used to synthetic material.

The children’s new bedding sets arrived all in lovely bags with clear labels telling e what was inside. For Jimmy we were sent a mattress enhancer, duvet and pillow to fit a cot bed which is the same size as his toddler bed while Florence was sent a single mattress protector, a single duvet and a pillow in a medium weight.
Jimmy’s mattress is foam and very thin. It was the absolute cheapest one in Mothercare and again, while it’s done the job and is waterproof, it’s not very inviting. Now that he is beginning to get the hang of sleeping in his own bed the mattress enhancer looked perfect for making that cheap mattress much more appealing. The soft wool made me want to climb in and it must feel lovely under his sheet.

The duvets on both seemed rather thin and I wondered if they would be as cosy and lovely to get under on a cold evening but they fit the covers so much better than their predecessors which had a tendency to bunch up in one corner or at the end and they looked lovely on the bed. I also noticed that they are machine washable which is good news!

Florence’s mattress is also foam and inexpensive and it also feels horrible to the touch so I can’t wait to get her sheets on when I make the bed. The mattress protector gave it a much more quilted feel and made it smooth to the touch before the sheets went on the bed which is brilliant. I know this is not a matress enhancer but enhanced it all the same it has!

When it came to the pillows they were actually quite a bit more plumptious yet firmer than the old pillows we had. I could instantly see that they would be more comfortable and felt a little jealous that I didn’t have some for my bed too!

I am so pleased with the wool bedding and am very pleased the children now have something decent on their beds. It was the right time and these are perfect. I didn’t even know that they made wool bedding but The Wool Roo actually make lots of things for the home, even the mattresses themselves!
Obviously the children still like to come in with us and we do have serious musical beds in the middle of the night but Jonny has reported back that sleeping in Florence’s bed with her new bedding is amazing and he has got the perfect night’s sleep when he’s had to move (I really don’t think he minds as he hasn’t grumbled about her coming in once this past couple of weeks and has hopped up and into her room quick as a flash when she comes in)! I really think it’s worth an investment and the wool, much like my Ugg boots, will keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Perfect, we just need some for our bed now!

I was sent the bedding for the purpose of an honest review.