We’re big fans of the company Worlds Apart. They make gorgeous things for children’s bedrooms and to play in and we especially love their lighting range as well as their day beds which are ace for going away, having friends over or even for just a ‘camp in’ at home.
Just before Christmas we were sent a couple of their Play Tents to review and the children have been going wild for them! They love a tent (who doesn’t) but as a Mummy trying to run a fairly small household and save space, I do not so much! I don’t want loads of poles and something massive that I have to put up and down all the time because I won’t be leaving it up permanently due to space and I’m afraid this has been a factor when not allowing a Wendy house or tent in the past – mean Mummy I am! The thing with the Worlds Apart tents though, is that although they are large and take over the room when up, they also just fold down again and can be stored flat until the next time when you simply ‘pop them back up again’ (my only complain is that I think they should come with a belt to tie around them as I have had to fashion something instead, If they are not tied shit when folded then they won’t stay folded). There are a couple of easy to insert rods for them to be added after they’re up but really, nothing to fit together or remember where it goes (there are so few it’s obvious where) and the children think they’re wonderful!
They have been having such lovely games inside them and it’s been so lovely to watch. They’ve even been taking their tea inside and having a picnic. I love it. Jimmy was sent a ‘Disney Cars Mack Tourin’ Trucker Tent‘ with a car mat to drive toy cars along while Florence was sent the ‘Minnie Mouse Boutique‘ play tent which comes with some Minnie Mouse ears and a hand bag.

I’m very impressed with the quality of the material and whatever is inside to hold the shape must be very strong because both children have pushed the sides to the max with various games yet the tents just pop right back to their original shame. The boutique is very sweet with lovely detailing and a door which rolls up. Florence has been selling shoes which means ALL of our shoes go inside and are set out for us to go in and purchase.

Jimmy would eat, sleep AND play inside his truck if he could and frequently likes to pop out of the sun roof. I love hearing him pretend to drive and making the ‘brrrrrrrmmmmmm’ noise as he goes about his travels. I think both of these tents are excellent for inspiring imaginative play and it’s especially lovely that they are both enjoying playing with each other and with each other’s tents!

Worlds Apart make lots of different styles of tent with lots of different characters including more from Disney, Peppa Pig and Thomas The Tank Engine. There’s also a Bee tent which I love and which would be perfect for my Jimmy Buster Bumblebee! There’s no Ladybird for Florence though which is a shame! We think the tents we were set and great and we’re all enjoying playing with them!
We were sent the tents for the purpose of an honest review.