They’re Gone!

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I saw a picture of myself the other day and it reminded me that these days I no longer feel I have to scrutinise photographs and discard the ones where my moles are too obvious!

Having my two facial moles removed at the Harley Street Dermatology Clinic was a brilliant idea and I am so grateful to Dr Adam Friedmann for looking at me and just saying a simple ‘yes, these are easy to remove’. I’d spent years hating looking at myself in the mirror because of them after a Doctor in Norfolk had told me there was no way they could ever be removed. I’d been referred on the NHS to a dermatologist at the hospital and he’d said they would scar far too much, it would be too risky and I’d never find anyone able to remove them.

But I did! Six months ago I went to see Dr Friedmann and within days an appointment had been made to get rid of them.

Harley Street Dermatology Clinic

I hate these two pictures but this is what they looked like back then. One horrid one by my eye and another under my nose. They made me feel like I looked like a witch! Apparently they grown in pregnancy too and never shrink back so no wonder I felt even worse about them in recent years!

The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic 15

I had them removed which took about 15 minutes and then was sent on my way to heal!

The healing process took about 8 days and then the mole by my eye was completely gone with just a slight red mark. The mole under my nose felt a little bumpy but again you couldn’t really see it and I was thrilled!

Two months later I went back to see Dr Friedmann. I was completely amazed by the scar near my eye as the mole was as if it had never been but under my nose there did seem to be a little bump. He said it still had time to go down and we should wait for six months to see if it would? It also had a little brown mark where it was, a bit like a freckle, which doesn’t bother me one bit but I was concerned about the bump as it still felt a little like a mole. Dr Friedmann explained that under the nose is a difficult place but that if still there we could try the process again.

It’s 6 months on and I’m so pleased with my eye. I’m also pleased with my nose but I am a perfectionist and there is still a little bump. Don’t get me wrong, it is SO much better than it was and not very noticeable but it just isn’t as perfect as the eye area… I don’t know if I’m being silly? I definitely feel loads better about photographs but I can still see that bump… It’s nowhere near as big and in lots of pictures you’d never see a thing. I’m sure it’s just me?

Mole Post

This is me this morning without any make up of course!

Harley Street

And this is a picture of me out the other day! You can clearly see the area under my nose but usually in photographs it’s not noticeable!

What would you do? Go back and have the procedure again or leave it as it’s really much, much better than it was?

I have not been paid to write this post.

10 thoughts on “They’re Gone!

  1. If something makes a person feel self conscious and affects how they live, then they have every right to try to fix the problem. Really happy for you that something could be done (and you can only see the bump if you really look for it).

  2. Your eye looks completely healed. from an outsider point of view you nose looks fine. everyone has small blemishes on their face, I certainly do, and yours doesn’t stand out as an attention grabber. BUT it is down to your confidence and happiness, so have what makes you feel better.

  3. Well Ruth, I think you look absolutely beautiful the way you are. But like others have said, if it’s something that you’re constantly thinking about then maybe having the procedure again is the right thing to do. Only you can make the decision.

    If you do decide to go ahead with it though, please make sure it’s for yourself and not for anyone else or you might end up regretting it.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  4. I would probably leave it, but if the procedure is really simple and it still bothers you it may be worth just doing it again. The improvement of the eye area is amazing!

  5. My mum had this procedure done too, she also had two and they were so large! They were also a really dark reddish brown colour, she felt like a new woman after having the procedure. X

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