A Christmas Packed Lunch!

Jimmy has always hated school dinners and even on school Christmas dinner day he won’t entertain the thought of it. He doesn’t, however, like to miss out on the fun food and Christmas party element of the festive lunch so of course, I step up with a themed packed lunch!
This year I bought Christmas tree shaped vol-au-vent cases from Aldi which I filled with tuna mayonnaise (his fave), he had a Christmas tree shaped chicken (he doesn’t like turkey) sandwich, cucumber discs which I cut the words “HO, HO, HO” into, pigs in blankets with a festive pick flag to eat them with, Christmas themed sweet pretzels, chocolate coins, some snowmen biscuits, Christmas tree nacho chips, strawberries dipped in chocolate with candy eyes, strawberry noses and pretzel antlers and a smoothie carton which I wrapped and wrote a festive message on. I also popped a mini cracker in his lunch box as I know they don’t always give them to the packed lunch guys – et voila!