A Little Of What You Fancy Is Sweet With Swizzels!
When it comes to sweets I could literally eat them all day long, I don’t obviously but because of my penchant I do have a “yummy cupboard” full of them and my absolute favourites, in fact the only thing which kept me going during my pregnancy with Posie would you believe, are Swizzels Matlow’s Love Hearts! When I couldn’t face anything else I could always find a way of snaffling a packet (or three) of those and still now they’re my go to snack when I need a little pick me up. My kids are lovely because they love them too but they always give me a few of theirs when they have them, knowing my love of the love hearts as they do and what’s even sweeter is that they trawl through the packet looking for the ones which have the best meanings for me from them. For Valentine’s Day I repaid the favour and made them one of my signature party piece milkshakes complete with special meaning Love Heart for each of them!

I always make a milkshake complete with sweetie treats for a party, in fact I’m big on parties and food in general and regularly use sweets for that ever so famous grazing style to make everyone’s eyes pop with glee! Again Swizzels and their glorious array of treats come up trumps!

There’s so many great choices which feel both retro (because everything is just as it was when I was a child) and modern because they do keep coming up with new ideas – I mean Squashies for example… Although thinking about it we did actually go to the launch party of those and the big kids weren’t quite so big so I guess they’ve now become pretty stalwarts too!

My faves as a kid were those sherberty double lollies, I loved the green and yellow ones which was nothing to do with being a Norwich City supporter and everything to do with the fact they were the softest, melt in the mouth ones and I’d make it last ages after all my friends would have finished theirs! Everyone has a sweet memory just like they do kid’s TV and almost like they sing the soundtrack to our youths it is with a certain nostalgia of decadence we eat them now!

Of course there aren’t a great many sweets that babies can (or should) have but I do give Posie a few of the rainbow drops now and again. Just because a little of what you fancy does you good and they’re so pretty. We count them and talk about the colours just to make it a little more acceptable but she gets very happy when she sees the packets so how can this face be resisted?!

The big kids are equally as enamoured and love it when I make a grazing table for movie night after we’ve had a family evening of a board game with pizza. Something to nibble on while we watch a family friendly film and enjoy being in each other’s company. It’s true sweets are for treats but you do have to have those treats at times or it just becomes an enigma. I personally, at the age of 42, like to take a few to bed each night and as I watch a box set in bed I’ll have a little sweet tooth itched at the same time! I also like to letterbox gifts to my pals when it’s their birthdays, not always entirely selflessly because they are for sharing after all! You can send personalised hampers, order wedding favours or just stock up on your faves on the Swizzels Matlow website and it’s worth noting there’s 10% off your first order when you sign up to the mailing lists!
Swizzels Matlow is where it’s at when it comes to sweet treats for me, with Love Hearts, of course, being top trumps! What are your favourites?
