Bbright When It Comes To Your Boiler!
I remember feeling a great sense of achievement when we bought our first home. After renting for years, with high London rents being paid directly into a land lord’s pocket, it felt like we’d almost won the lottery because mortgages, though not cheap, are often far lower than monthly rentals. Finally we’d saved enough to get on that ladder and start paying monthly payments which would be only benefitting to us (of course, the bank too, because we had a rather steep borrow what with buying in London) and it was one of those exhale loudly moments. We’d done it and it felt wonderful.

I hadn’t factored in lots of home-owner costs at that point. The ones which are taken care of when you’re renting by that land lord and his golden pockets. It did come as a bit of a shock then, when soon after we had to spend the best part of our monthly income on a new roof. We’d been rather spoiled until that point with a landlord who would, once told there was an issue, come the same day and sort it so that when we got home in the evening the problem, whatever it was, would be sorted and we’d had to do no more than make a phone call. There was the day the washing machine had gone kaput and by the day’s end we had a brand spanking new one plumbed in. Then there was the day the boiler had broken down leaving us in a freezing cold shower – it didn’t last long and again, I hadn’t had to do anything other than call the land lord who’d had it sorted pronto.
After roof-gate I knew I had to be super savvy when it came to safe-guarding other things which could potentially go wrong and with the experience of that one cold shower I realised it was time to make sure the boiler was in order. As bad luck had it, it wasn’t. Our new property was riddled with issues which were born largely from the shark who’d converted the property into flats and we went on a long learning curve which I hope has fared us well. A brand new boiler, as we’d had to have, didn’t spell no maintenance, we had to be savvy for the future and ensure we looked after it and, when it did need boiler repairs, unlike our vendor had done, use people who knew what they were doing when it came to the upkeep. On average four out of ten new boilers will need repair within the first 6 years but making sure they are cared for well when they do is paramount to reducing potential future costs. a brand-new boiler will need
Bbright Boiler Repairs have a large team of trusted, certified engineers, and the team can also advise on new boilers (should you find yourself in the position we did) and which type is best for your home. It’s well worthwhile using someone you can trust to give you the advice you will need when it comes to such issues as going forwards, after we made some good decisions, we never had to worry again. It might not be the thing a renter has to take on their shoulders when future proofing but it most definitely is for a home owner.
When we moved again, to our current family home, we were a lot more savvy to begin with as well as being on the ball going forwards. We have our boiler maintained and when it needs anything doing to it we would always choose the right people for the job. Bbright Boiler repairs are trustworthy and come, when you employ them, with the knowledge they are looking out for your best needs in the area. Cost of call outs for engineers can be terrifically high and there are lots of common reasons which can be checked by yourself before you do call the professionals in. Bbright can help you there too with lots of hints and tips on their website for what you should be looking for and how to trouble shoot minor issues yourself. We had a handyman once who offered to show us how to do the jobs we’d asked to pay him to do because he felt they were so easy he was robbing us by doing them and not allowing us to learn how to do them ourselves. How trustworthy is that and with Bbright it’s the same philosophy from a big firm with a great reputation. That element has certainly impressed me!
The roof, the boiler, things like that… Well, it never feels good having to shell out on those things does it. It feels so unnecessary and such an annoyance. Taking care of how, who and where you do when you do have to will 100% save you money in the long run.
I just love to be warm and toasty and with my heating well and truly on so here’s to a winter without much issue when it comes to heating our homes but if there are any, you know where to go!