Jimmy is almost 6 months old now and I know you’re supposed to wait but it’s only two weeks away so I thought I’d give him a little taster of food. Nothing too adventurous and nothing on a regular basis, just as and when he looks interested. I guess that’s why I wanted to start a couple of weeks early really, a chance to get myself (as well as him) in the swing of things before he will need regular feeds and of different types of food! It’s all new to me really as Florence didn’t really eat anything until she was around a year old… I wouldn’t say Jimmy is wild about food but he’s certainly more interested than his sister ever was and although he so far has pulled faces when I’ve offered him my home-made purees he does seem to like the rice biscuits he’s been eating. They’re really soft and melt in the mouth so they’re perfect really and I do want to do a bit of baby led, actually I just want to do a bit of whatever comes easiest! One thing’s for sure though and it’s that mess is a firm follower of a baby with food – even if it’s just finger food! I have lots of material bibs but I also have quite enough washing to do without adding them to the mix thank you very much so the hard wipe clean bibs with a tray are much more appealing to me; apart from the fact that they are too uncomfortable for him to wear. Well most of them anyway! Because they’re often hard and rigid it’s just not a pleasant thing for a tiny one to have round the neck but I think I’ve found one which actually is soft enough for a new eater and which still has all the elements I like; being wipe clean with a food tray!
So what is this wonder bib? It’s the BabyBjorn Soft Bib and I’m very impressed indeed! Florence never wore a bib, she found them too uncomfortable round the neck but this one seems to be the perfect fit because it’s adjustable by loads. The beads around the neck fastener can be popped at whichever suits your baby and because as with the whole bib they are made from BPA free soft plastic it doesn’t feel abrasive against the skin. The texture of it is like a soft bouncy ball and the whole bib is very pliable so while it’s still a firm bib which can be wiped clean it moves and isn’t rigid. It also has a substantial food tray which catches all things which don’t go in the mouth which at this stage of weaning let’s face it, is most of the food! The collar is really wide but in a superb curve as it comes over the shoulder so again provides a level of comfort other bibs just don’t; this also means stray food coming out the side of the mouth is caught and will fall down into the tray. The bib is dishwasher safe but it wipes clean so easily I can’t see the point in wasting the space in the washer and the type of material it is made from dries in minutes. I find this a super handy bib to take out and about with me as I just snap the neck beads over the buggy handle and it hangs there meaning it doesn’t take up space in my bag which makes it very transportable. Wiping it clean with a wet wipe is as easy as washing it up so it really is perfect for us! I’d not really thought about BabyBjorn as being a brand which does food stuff but it absolutely does! I guess the name is synonymous with baby carriers (not that I’ve actually tried one but I know they are very popular) and I hadn’t really thought of them further than that! In fact they make baby bouncers, travel cots and all manner of handy bathroom and kitchen accessories for little ones. I’m very keen on the bib so I think I’ll give their other weaning products a go. The bowls, spoons and cups look brilliant and the high chair looks like it folds very flat which is something which definitely draws me! Take a look!

These are great! I have several as they are so soft and easy to keep clean!