This week has been busy, busy, busy! My Mum’s been staying and we have spent the majority of it getting ready for Florence’s 6th birthday party which will then tunr into our leaving party tomorrow night. The party, which is ‘Wizard Of Oz’ themed is on from 3-5 and then we have told our friends to bring a bottle and join us for leaving drinks afterwards. My Mum has been busy making the rainbow cake (which is amazing) in my tiny kitchen and I have been making goodie bags up, wrapping pass the parcel, making ruby slipper cookies to decorate, shooping for the food and also finishing off the teacher presents with my mini knitted stockings!
In the end, with ballet teachers, gym tots teachers, creche ladies from the gym, nursery and school I’ve made 25 mini stockings which i then stuffed with ‘Celebrations’ chocolates. It’s only a little something but it let’s them know we care about them and are very grateful for all their hard work. I also made some hot chocolate stirrers using my IKEA Christmas moulds and put them in cellophane bags with marshmallows and for the two main teachers for each of them we bought a bottle of prosecco, well, handmade is lovely but… Bit of booze is always better I think! I’d had some ornage slices, cinnamon sticks and star snise left over from when I made my Christmas wreath last week so I used them for decorations on the presents too. I do hope they liked them!
The last week before the Christmas break was very busy in general and with Jimy performing in his first ever nativity play as a sheep in the morning show and as the starrring role of Joseph in the afternoon, it was one to remember. He was super sweet and super small compared to everyone else but he did SO well and remembered his lines in between pulling faces at me – typical Jimmy! Florence has been high on emotions and quite unlike herself really, she’s been teary and sad and I wonder if perhaps it’s all down to us movig and her feeling unsettled? She also lost her fourth tooth this week and when it got lost in the bed and she thought the tooth fairy hadn’t been she was absolutely devastated. We found the £2 coin she’d left nestling in Florence’s stuffed toys on the bed but sadly no tooth has appeared yet and Florence is convinced she took it even though we asked her not to. It probably didn’t help that the silly tooth fairy left a note in what she thought was a ‘jokey’ way saying she hoped Florence didn’t liike the elves more than she liked her… That was a bad move on the daft Tooth Fairy’s part because Florence burst into tears and said ‘But I DO love her, why doesn’t she know?!’ IDIOTIC tooth fairy trying to be funny!

Things adding to my laughter lines this week:
Florence’s wonderfully gappy smile, Jimmy pulling it out the bag and making his ‘Joseph’ his own with a quick face pull here and there throughout the show, going out with my Mummy friends on Thursday night for ‘our Christmas do’, FINALLY finishing the teacher presents, getting the party stuff organised, laughing with my Mum all week, completing ALL of my reviews for the year and just generally feeling festive with my lights on in the evenings. Simple things!

As ever my boy has been keeping us entertained with his comments but this week I want to share one of his sweety moments. On Thursday, the day we usually visit IKEA after swimming but the day he had his school Christmas party instead, he said:
‘I don’t want to go to the Christmas party Mummy. I just want it to be the same and to be with you. I will miss you when I am at school doing all the partying’.
So anyway, now it’s on to Christmas! HOW can it only be a WEEK away? Crazy! Happy Christmas parties everyone!