Dealing With Nasty Toilet Smells: Advice For All Mummies

If you have noticed that your toilet isn’t smelling as fresh as it usually does, then it might not be because it hasn’t been cleaned in a while. Foul-smelling toilets can come about because of problems further down the system in the waste pipe outlet. If you have noticed a buildup of odour that isn’t going away when you clean the bowl, then what should you do to resolve the problem?
Check the U-Bend
In some cases, u-bends get blocked up meaning that waste material can’t flow away. The u-bend is a valve that is supposed to prevent smells from the sewer system from escaping into your bathroom but if kids clog it with too much toilet paper, for instance, then this can cause a partial blockage and result in unwanted foul smells in your bathroom. Use a toilet plunger for unclogging your toilet if this is suspected because it will often free the problem in the shortest time with the least mess.
Constantly Blocked U-Bends
If there is a tight turn in your waste water pipe or you’ve got a toilet in a small en-suite which means the flow of waste is restricted, then you may find you need to clear the u-bend with a plunger every couple of months to prevent odours. In such cases, installing a macerating toilet will mean breaking up any material that goes down into the toilet, including the thick and luxurious paper that tends to lead to the worst blockages. My advice is to buy the best macerator pump you can because refitting one down the line will be a hassle. What you want is something long-lasting and durable.
Dealing With Gurgling Toilets and Other Noises
In some cases, noisy toilets indicate a wider problem. If your toilet gurgles after flushing, then there may be material in the waste pipe that is trapping air. You may need a visual inspection from a pipe-cam in cases like this which will mean getting a professional in. Fitting a Saniflo toilet is a good idea to lessen noise, ideal if you have a toilet near to you when sleeping, such as in an adjacent en-suite, for instance. If so, opt for the most quiet SFA Saniflo macerator toilet on the market. Not only will it help to prevent gurgling by dealing with waste material before it hits the waste pipe but it will also fill up quietly, after flushing, as well.