Wowser what a month! A first Christmas, first NY and now we start 2022 rolling faster than the speed of light to a first birthday. Where does time go?! Over the last month you’ve taken your first steps, just little ones but steps all the same and and mastered the art of saying “uh oh!” while you also know how to come in for a cuddle and say “aaahhhhh” as you do it and kisses are all new but mastered. So sweet, so lovely!
A first Christmas was had an boy did you rock all the outfits. It has been magical watching you and your brothers and sister enjoy it all.
What a whirlwind eleven months of brilliance with a fantastic end to the year 2021, the year you were born! Although I’m annoyed everything goes so fast, I know it’s because we have so much fun and I wouldn’t have it any other way! 11 months old already, wow!
On the 4th of December, one day after turning 10 months old, two tiny steps were taken after we went and chopped down our Christmas tree!Covent Garden!The London Transport Museum!New shoes!For the new walker!Swimming!Gymboree!Play group!Playing!Wearing my old clothes!Which Florence also wore!And looking glorious in them!More playing!And being read to!Exhausted after crying for Granny and Papa while I went out for an hour and a half!Pals at the Christmas Book Bugs and Dragon Tales Bounce and Rhyme! In Florence’s old dress! Our Mini Christmas Party!A gift from pals, this gorgeous ears warmer! Dressed up for playgroup Christmas party! Couldn’t be cuter! Playgroup! Rooftop Gardens! Snoozing!Another cold but still smiling! Last day of term fun! Going to the panto! With Papa at Fairhaven Christmas Lights! At Jack Frost!Winter city walks! Post swim locker fun! Dinner time! Christmas Eve eve! Wearing Florence’s old My First Christmas baby grow! With Papa on his birthday! Opening Christmas Eve boxes! Christmas morning!The girls! Christmas Day ready! The best table decoration! Christmas lunch! Boxing Day! Wearing presents! More presents! With my friend Ellie! Cream crackered!At Gymboree! Florence’s birthday breakfast!Birthday bowling!A family affair!Birthday lunch at The Rooftop Gardens!Always being looked after by a big brother!With Daddy!Yummy lunch!Enjoying it all!New Year’s Day with Grandad!Not enjoying the New Years Day fireworks!11 months old!What a dinky dot!Just having so much fun!