Drug Free Pain Relief With Paingone!
As I get older I experience more aches and pains in general (don’t we all?!) but have found less desire to treat ailments with drugs. I’ve always been rather reluctant to go in for things like antibiotics without thought or contemplation. I remember my science teacher explaining how the body builds up a resistance to them and knowing that when I have really needed them (like after giving birth with infections), I’ve really needed them, meaning I want to save them for those times, but I suspect in contrast to that philosophy there’s been years when I’ve all too readily reached for a paracetamol.
Adult headache, slight cold, back ache after sleeping badly and they have been a bit of a go to at times but I really have found over the past few years that I don’t want to do that either. I’d rather find a more holistic approach to taking pain medication and therefore maximising how they work when an absolute necessity there too. However, when you suffer with things like migraines, pain relief becomes an absolute necessity far more frequently than would be ideal. So, what do you do?
Well, believe it or not there are drug free ways of helping the pain caused by migraine, even when they’re really debilitating as I know they can be. I don’t suffer myself thank goodness but my Mum does and I know for her she can sometimes see spots or have complete black areas in her vision before one begins signalling the day is doomed. Bed ridden and absolutely out of action as a bad migraine can leave one and of course the natural reaction is to reach for the drugs but instead how about trying something like Paingone Qalm?!

Fast, effective, drug free pain relief which can see you back on your feet coping with awful migraines in a far more natural way than bunging drugs at the issue. I see the draw, knowing that the pain meds will kick in fast, but when you know how Paingone works and how it just as effectively pinpoints the relief of pain then it’s a no brainer to me. Paingone offer a number of different methods to their drug free pain relief from Tens Pens (which work using electrical signals) to freeze gel (which cools and soothes areas in gel form). Which ever option you choose for your specific pain and there’s a carefully curated product which is dedicated to your comfort having been designed with practicality in mind as well as function. For the relief of common and episodic migraine, migraine with aura or even just a tension headache (I have 4 kids, a cat and a husband, I definitely experience the latter from time to time) the therapy is delivered by the Paingone Qualm, a strip which is placed directly on the forehead to effectively deal with a painful migraine attack but also used as a preventative measure when used frequently to reduce their frequency.
The small and discreet heat technology from the Qualm will ensure you can take it wherever you go and never be anxious that you will be without the one thing to get you back on track. It is a comforting way to know your migraines don’t have to rule your life, no matter how debilitating they can be without treatment.
No one likes to have to cancel plans because of ill health yet with a migraine, when an attack is in process, there is nothing that can be done but to close your eyes and rest as you wait for it to pass. The Paingone, however, will be your constant companion to turn to as soon as you feel the first twinges and signs. Migraines get people down and affect more than just the day or few days they attack as we can live in fear of the things we know might stop us in our tracks. Owning a piece of kit that can save you the angst is like owning a little bit of peace of mind. Peace of mind and a peaceful one go hand in hand with the Paingone and that is very definitely beating the drug avenue hands down!