Fitbit For The Whole Family!
I remember my first step counter costing about £2. It came from argos and clipped onto my belt. It was rather hit and miss for actually calculating the exact number of steps I took and it was not even reliable for staying about my person. It fell off and got misplaced so many times it really wasn’t worth having but such items have come on with technology so much since then that I almost wish I’d kept it for posterity. These days they’re all singing, and as their specs indicate, they can do so much – you just have to know your tracker to know what you can get from it.
I’ve had a few fitness trackers since then for review, from the mildly to wildly priced categories and my firm favourite brand always does seem to come out as the Fitbit. They just seem to work for me personally as I think the ap is pretty comprehensive and covers all the bases I like to follow. It goes mega in-depth if you want it to but I just like to monitor sleep and be able to calculate my exercise as part of my daily stats. The only thing I’ve never been keen on is the fact that I’ve never had a Fitbit that can go underwater and I still haven’t, however, the new Charge 3, apparently can do just that! I have a Charge 2 and that’s pretty decent and not too dissimilar to the new 3 and it’s underwater brilliance! I love how in comparison to my Blaze it’s a much softer and smaller look – it’s also rose gold around the face which is a bit of a penchant of mine and the strap is slim – perfect for smaller wrists!

There are differences between the Charge 2 and 3 and looking at the list I can see these would be improvements but maybe only if important to you. So the screen is 40% bigger on the 3 which isn’t important to me, I like the small face I have on this on the Charge 2 pictured above. The newer version screen is also proper touch and not just tap but actually, I don’t find any difficulties in getting where I want to be with the Charge 2. The sleep tracker is also meant to be better and you can make changes directly from the device without going into the ap. All of these things are nice to have I suppose but the main feature change for me would be the fact I could go swimming in a Charge 3. Aside from that the Charge 2 is plenty good enough. I go into the ap daily anyway to see my sleep pattern (as you’d expect with a small baby), and to sync with Florence who has the child’s Fitbit, the Ace!

Fitbit Ace for kids aged 8 plus is a way to make fitness fun for kids and where mine is not waterproof hers IS showerproof meanig she doesn’t have to remember to take it off when she’s getting ready in the morning. She is only 8 after all. Again she can’t actually swim with it on which is a shame but it does obviously track and rewards her steps, show her active minutes and sleep just like mine does. It comes in one size and is priced at £79.99 with two colours, Power Purple or Stainless Steel. As you can see hers is purple and she is very fond of the look just as with how it works. She has worked out that you don’t have to tap it to see your stats either, you can clap!
This is a tracker to encourage children to move and be healthy. It doesn’t tell them about their calories burned just how many steps they’ve taken and I think this is a good thing. There’s no need for an 8 year old to become fixated with calorie burning, it’s not about that and Fitbit recognise those issues.

I’m really pleased for Florence that she has this super stylish and slick looking watch and I’m very happy that the functions are as they should be for a little one. The only things I’d change would be perhaps the fact that they don’t recommend them for younger that 8 when my 6 year old is rather desperate for one of his own and also… That swimming thing!
My Charge 2 is fab but I definitely have my eye on the newer version in the Charge 3 with its water resistant capabilities! For now though we have two happy Rocknrollerbaby gals with their matching Fitbits – one very definitely for a grown up reminding me to eat less and move more and one for a little girl who just needs to be a healthy and active child!

We were sent the Fitbit Ace and Charge 2 for the purpose of review.