Florence is turning five next month and has chosen (no surprises here) a ‘Frozen’ theme for her party. I have lots of things in mind for it from party food ideas and the cake (my Mum is on it) to the craft activity we will do (snowflake making and decorating), the disco and the goodie bags too. I LOVE organising a party and this one is such a super theme that I know everyone will love. I mean let’s face it, Florence isn’t in the minority when it comes to being fans of the film!

We were very lucky and got to go to the premiere of Frozen around this time last year and it’s been ever since then that we have had the songs, dolls, outfits and film ever present! We went to the cinema to see it FIVE times in total would you believe. I think it’s great too, I have to admit. We all sing-a-long in the car (even Daddy) and yes, I will be dressing up for the party myself. Florence has told me I must go as Anna not Elsa because she is Elsa (and I expect all her little friends will be too) and she also says my hair is right to pull of Anna. Well, the dress is ordered and we await its arrival from Hong Kong – SO hope it gets here!
For now all I’ve had to worry about is the invitations. I made scrolls from Princess Florence to all her little Princess and Prince friends and I think they came out rather well, even if I do say so myself!

All in all we have invited about 40 children! I KNOW, EEEK! But it becomes harder and harder especially with school as obviously lots of new friends have been made but we still need our old pals too! It’s horrible because there are still loads of people we would have loved to invite but you just can’t have everyone can you I suppose so I let Florence choose a list from school and then we invited all the people we see regularly outside of it too.
Making the scroll invitations has really got me excited for the party now. I have loads to do from rosette making (using duck tape from Hobby Craft) to decorate the goodie bags and biscuit making to add to the contents. Most of the stuff I bought for them has come from Poundland where they are selling 6 packets of Frozen themed Loom Bands for £1 and have lots of other Frozen goodies on offer too. I’m going to make snowflake biscuits to ice and decorate and put in some gorgeous snowflake bags I got in Lakeland. I also have some lovely Lakeland decorations, am going to MAKE bunting myself and we will have to make a rather special play list for the dancing! Lots to do in the next three weeks, I will report back when everything is done!