Giant Pass The Pugs And Top Trumps For The Win!
A while back I wrote about Pass The Pugs, the travel game which is a spin on that old fave of mine Pass The Pigs which I’ve been playing on holidays since I was a little girl. The game was a massive hit with my gang who love the names of the positions the pugs get thrown into and really enjoy competing to see who can race to 100 points fastest. I used to take Pass the Pigs on every holiday with me, even as an adult before children and now we will be taking this one when we fly off on our hols this weekend but… I think I have found another excellent spin on the game which is perfect for home garden games, a real talking point and a great big bit of fun for all who play!

Giant pass the Pugs is the exact same game on a big scale with inflatable pugs to take centre stage of play, a carry bag to keep them in when deflated and a big score card note book with the positions on the front for you to keep track of who’s scored what and how!
So much fun! We took the game camping with us recently and all the kiddos had great fun not only playing the game but making up their own with the pugs – Posie even tried to treat them as ride on toys.

Another stonking addition to the Pass the Pigs family.
As I mentioned, we are off on holiday this weekend and while Giant Pass the Pigs won’t be coming with us in favour of his travel companion version, we will also be taking some Top Trumps card packs with us. Top Trumps is an excellent game to be played by the whole family and can while away all manner of airport waiting, balmy evenings and moments in-between. There are SO many versions to choose from and we have many, many topics from “Plop Trumps” (a firm fave of the poo variety), to Star Wars and beyond!
These new ones we will be travelling with are for the two big kiddos in our gang, a 007 Top Trumps version for Jimmy who will love trumping with his shaken, not stirred pack and for Florence a Friends Top Trumps pack. I will enjoy that too as a Friends fan of old to a friends fan new, it is definitely one for the pair of us!

What are your favourite travel games?
we are big fans of Top Trumps cards too. so many to choose from to suit all ages.