Well it’s been back to reality for us today with the big kids back to school and Jonny back at work meaning the Raffster and I have had to fend for ourselves getting the house de-pine needled and spick and span so that we can continue 2018 with a fresh house.
We had the loveliest time over Christmas celebrating Raffie’s very first one, Florence turning 8 and Jonny hitting the big FOUR-OH (dear)! Obviously with two birthdays straight after the festivities it’s a bit of a busy time for us but we’ve loved every second and it feels quite strange to be so quiet in the house today.
Since we last wrote we’ve had 5 roast dinners, 3 dance exams, two nights with pals from Leytonstone, 2 fun evenings with friends in Norfolk, an extended family lunch, a new baby born in the family (not me again don’t panic), my Grandmother’s rather unexpectedly lovely wake (she passed away just before Christmas), 4 visits to the swimming pool, an 8th birthday party, Christmas Day (of course), an impromtu New Year’s Eve party, 2 trips to the beach (one for New Year’s Day fireworks), Daddy turning 40, 5 sickness bugs (Poor Jimmy 3 times), 3 meals out and lots of laughs and drinks clinking! We’ve loved it!
Now it’s all FitBit wearing, water drinking and gym talking (as well as, hopefully, going) but here’s a litle look back on our Christmas vay-cay! Happy New Year to you all from us!

What fun we had!