Lockdown #3 Diary – Week Two!
Second week and we are getting a little bit more into an equilibrium. I remember it took a couple of weeks to adjust last time and we absolutely loved it in the end with all the family time so I’m trying to focus on that and try to recreate a similar atmosphere. We’ve re-established P.E with Joe Wicks although not every day, been out for family walks and tried our hardest to embrace a winter lockdown as hard as we did the summer. It IS harder in the winter and that goes for everything including home school but we HAVE to make the most of it!
I feel most sorry for Raffie who has missed out on having me at home just with him both before the baby comes and just in general so I have been trying to focus on fun activities for him – that was my philosophy last week and am trying to continue it because he really loves doing things at home and we absolutely can make a nursery feel even if he is missing out on friends. He is, on the other hand, developing a wonderful relationship with Jimmy and watching the pair of them together is beautiful both while they work on home school activities like baking and when they relax “after school” making dens and watching TV!
Florence has continued to work hard because that’s her and Jimmy has found that while the set school work doesn’t always inspire him he enjoys other on line lessons which are a bit more interactive and visual. Jonny has been helping him as the lessons he is setting his own class are a lot more hands on rather than questions and answers like Jimmy’s. I wrote about home schooling in my EDP column this week and was asked to contribute to Good Morning Britain as a result – this actually got bumped in the end but am hoping to make my TV debut with them very soon!
The pregnancy is now racing along (like it only does at the end as opposed to the drag of the first two trimesters) and I continue to worry about giving birth in these restricted times. Am trying not to thinks about it too much!
Here’s some of our week’s highlights!