There’s a vast amount of school uniform to choose from on the high street at the moment and although it’s fabulous to have so many items at affordable prices, having so much of it also makes the decision of knowing what to buy and from where that much harder. Do you go for the more expensive brands that perhaps have the best reputation? They do say buy cheap buy twice after all? Or do you go for the cheapest available because they’re going to get ruined within a month anyway?
Personally I don’t think that uniform is going to get ruined regardless of what you do. Florence has spent her entire year with the same uniform until it came to summer when she changed into a summer dress. The pinafores she was wearing before that have lasted so well and were bought a little on the big side so she can even use them again next year. She’s not any more careful with her clothes than anyone else and most certainly comes home with paint and pen on her. I’m not particularly brilliant at getting stains out but yet they do still look quite good really. I’ll be buying her new ones because they’re not pristine but they are definitely wearable for the days when I’ve forgotten to put the washing on or nothing is ironed!
She had 4 pinafores, 2 of which were from Matalan, we have on on my high street which is rather handy. She also had a couple of cardigans from there too. I was always impressed with the way they washed and how soft they still felt afterwards. The socks we have from there have been pretty good too. I think with a lot of the uniform choices out there it might be much of a much-ness but Matalan definitely seem to have the whole package wrapped up. Inexpensive, made to last and they look good too. Look what I’ve picked up for next year all for under £50!

Matalan are quite helpful when it comes to making choices and getting the sizes right too. They have a checklist so that you don’t forget anything and a measuring guide to make sure they fit perfectly. My school uniform was SO expensive and only available in Harrods (would you believe) that my Mum bought my blazer about 5 sizes too big. The arms are STILL too long for me now! Because Matalan uniform is so well priced you can afford to buy some for each term if you have a growth spurt and it won’t break the bank. I’d rather have Florence in something that fits than looking all baggy and like she’s borrowed clothes!

Now, I hate to bring up the thought of going back to school when the holidays are just getting started but hey, get the buying out of the way now and you won’t have to think about it again until September!

In collaboration with Matalan.
Making custom pin badges is a creative way to add a personal touch to the school uniform. Children can design their own pin badge, or parents can work with them to create a design that reflects their child’s hobbies or favorite things. This could be a cartoon character, a sports team logo, or even a favorite animal. Custom pin badges are an affordable way to enhance the appearance of school uniforms while also promoting individuality and creativity. They can also serve as a source of pride for students, as they can wear a badge that represents their school or personal interests. Order now at PinBadges.CO.