Sunshine and friends. It was just the tonic. Here’s our week in pictures!
Saturday we had pals from London. It was AWESOME! Sunday was my brothers 30th birthday so Posie and I went off to Cambridge to have lunch with him and my Dad’s family! Finally we had sunshine that lasted. Bank Holiday Monday was disjointed with Jimmy off to a party, Florence meeting a new freind from her new school and jobswe needed to get done but the little ones wore summer clothes and we enjoyed park fun! Tuesday we went to Roarr! When it was the hottest day of the year so far! Poor old Flobo missed out as was poorly! But the rest of us had fun although we did miss her! Wednesday was a day to stay home and enjoy the sunshine! And ice creams! In the shade as it was a bit too hot! Thursday Posie turned 4 months old!And we went to Southwold with this lot! It felt like we were on holiday! My absolute favourite type of day! And Jimmy’s! Glorious! Friday saw us at Pensthorpe with some of out gorgeous gang who stayed over! Everyone was VERY tired! But we still had fun! Hanging out! And the sun shine for a bit… Before it got a bit chilly! Saturday was a day for BBQ! Cousins! Grandparents! Sunshine! And more sunshine! Sunday we chilled at home exhausted from all the fun but verybnuch looking forward to the next!