Mountain Warehouse Open New Norwich Store!
Mountain Warehouse has been on the Norwich landscape for years so when they put up a closing down sale on their shop front at the London Street branch it caused quite a stir! We definitely don’t need any more shops leaving our fine city, the shopping central landscape has become bleaker and bleaker since Top Shop folded, and with the huge buildings which occupied Debenhams and BHS still stood vacant as well, we instead need to be bringing thriving businesses to the front thank you very much!
What a relief then when the sale didn’t actually indicate a closure at all, just a rebranding of that particular store to be a sale shop only on account of the fact a brand new one was to open up right in the heart of the city instead! Not just a brand new store but a tremendously big new store in the building which once housed Top Shop no less, taking away one of the very empty spaces and breathing new life into it.
Mountain Warehouse couldn’t be further from adding to the grim high street closures, they are positively thriving as they open new stores all over and lucky old us we get to have one of their biggest stores filled to the brim with all our family fashion and out door apparel, along side the old store selling sale items.
We were invited along to the store opening at the beginning of half term and got a brilliant first peek at the new shop! The big kids went back to school after the break today but this was how we kicked it all off for a fortnight of family fun, we knew we’d be dressed to impress now that the weather has turned and the nights are drawing in. Mountain Warehouse kitted us out for trick or treat chilly trips and wintry bonfires followed by fireworks, before leaving us well and truly in the right gear for winter. Thanks for having us MW, and we love the new store!
Florence, the hardest of us all to choose wintry gear on the basis that she doesn’t really like wearing a coat (remember those days?) but she found the fleeces that she loves (£24.99) were on an offer at £25 for two. Buy one, get one for a penny essentially! She also picked herself up a pair of leggings (warmth) and a scarf (to appease me I think – I remember the days of not wearing a coat but I’ve still turned into my Mother wanting her to wear one)!

Jimmy opted for a puffa jacket, as did Jonny who got a 3 quarter length coat which is not only water resistant but so padded and warm it will stand him very well in the Carrow Road stands this season. Jimmy’s will too only his is indeed waterproof to boot and we let him choose a balaclava to go with it on the proviso that he wears it with his face on display (it can be up, over the nose and mouth or below it – we insisted on the less sinister option for Jim much to his chagrin – kids)!

And for the little ones we needed them as visible as possible, nights drawing in mean I wanted Raffie to have reflective strips on his coat and warmth is the most paramount requirement. Luckily aesthetics come into play with Mountain Warehouse and to go with the bright yellow water resistant coat, which has fleece linings and a furry hood to keep him warm, as well as those all important reflective strips, Posie got a gorgeous snow suit with rainbows, hearts and dinosaurs on it, chosen by her herself – as if there’s have been any other choice when she saw that print! They also each got a pair of the Mountain Warehouse fleece lined snow boots which are a sort of welly, walking boot, slipper hybrid – I’d like a pair myself actually!

And for me? A petrol blue puffa with a difference – it does up with a zip then has poppers which cross it over the body making it really different to anything else I’ve seen, it’s very special and my new favourite coat. You could sleep in this coat, it’s so warm and comfortable and popping my hands in the fleecy pockets is a delight!

Those colder months are upon us and we are all set!

We were invited to the launch of Mouthain Warehouse, Norwich and gifted some items of our choice from the store.