Origin Hybrid Pro Mattress!

Origin Hybrid Pro Mattress!

Dare I admit, our 8 year old mattress was utterly vile?! It had lost all sorts of comfort which is one thing, but underneath the sheets sat what can only be described as something you might imagine lurking in a crack den! Of course, what caused our old mattress to assume such a status was nothing of the like, moreover a combination of co-sleeping with 3 infants and age but nevertheless, it was what a young’n’ might call “minging”!

The unsightly stains having been inflicted by baby milk from night feeds, then the inevitable baby puke that followed! Wet beds from failed nappies contributed, poorly children not quite making the bathroom, bleeding knees and noses from the youth, and coupled with wear and tear it was a sorry sight indeed! We HATED that mattress by the end, the one which was never quite right when it was new anyway, but the purchase had been made so what could we do?! IKEA don’t, or didn’t then at least, have a money back guarantee if you didn’t like it so we were stuck.

But… The time has come my friends and we are released from that old stinker which now sits in the only place it would be comfortable, the tip, to in step a brand new Origin Hybrid Pro in King size to fit our original frame. Which too could use a little upgrade if I’m honest but for now… Well, we’ve seen that a new mattress really can make a world of difference when it comes to sleep. And, more than this, it’s CLEAN! And it’s going to stay that way too for I have invested in the mattress protector I probably should have had all along. There’s no way this new mattress, and all its many merits, are going the same way as the old one! If you too need a new mattress then do take advantage of my discount code offering £20 off, afforded to me by Origin, use RocknRollerBaby20OFF2536 at the checkout!

A new mattress has been needed for a good 2 years I would say, even though guidance says it was only 1 year overdue. 7 years they recommend so perhaps we weren’t THAT bad but honestly, having the Origin Hybrid Pro the last couple of weeks has shone a massive light on how we really were compromising our sleep before. And when it comes to that generic advice about changing your mattress every 7 years, Origin actually offer a staggering 15 year warranty meaning it could last over double the time of most mattresses! This is as well as offering a 200 day money-back guarantee (which means you get to really know if you like it) which starts the day the mattress is delivered. If you don’t like it, email the team and they will collect it and deliver it to the British Heart Foundation (now that’s good ethics)! Sleep is so important, it’s what makes you productive, good humoured, bright and ready to face the day, and we were ignoring that completely blaming kids and saying we wouldn’t get a new mattress until they were bigger. What we should have been doing was ordering one of these and putting that good mattress protector on it while the kids are young because compromising on sleep is a deal you don’t need to make!

The mattress arrived timely and rolled almost flat as a pancake, I looked at it, heavy and huge as it seemed and couldn’t manage to envisage it being anything like the mattress it popped (and I mean POPPED) into as soon as the packaging was opened. It SPRANG into life and within a couple of minutes was ready to sleep on! WOW!

And it’s SO comfortable, firm but still somehow enveloping. Before I’d even put the bedding on I had to physically prize myself away from lying down. It was like a whole new world of comfort had opened up and I’d not even spent a night on it yet!

Add to it the two Origin latex pillows, and we are in comfort city. I have to be honest, while I’d always known and accepted that a decent mattress costs a decent amount of money, I have never in my life spent more than £20 on a pillow and even then I felt it was a steep price to pay. These highly breathable latex pillows which are recommended for side, stomach or back sleepers cost currently £99 each and I was quite wincey about that. I was happy to try them but I thought without seeing them that there’d be NOW WAY I’d part with that level of money for a pillow. However, I started to be won over the minute I touched them. Springy and yet firm at the same time and with absolutely no way the padding could bunch up in one end like our feather ones. I was already being won over at the sight and feel of them but after one night’s sleep… I’m saving up to buy more! They are INCREDIBLE to sleep on, just so comfortable. They have a slight smell (not bad) for a couple of days and then that goes but absolutely nothing else about the pillows changes. AT ALL EVER! You don’t need to plump them, it’s almost like the bed makes itself!

I’m SO not into making beds, I bought washable duvets because I hate changing beds SO much and now I don’t even have to move the pillows, let alone bash them about to bring them back to shape. These pillows are the best! And… The mattress is too.

The mattress is made with bamboo infused wool, sleep engineered titanium springs, 8 comfort layers, and an extra plush pillowtop. Like the pillows it keeps you cool as you sleep with its premium latex ingredients and offers enhance pressure relief as you sleep. We’ve honestly never slept better and it’s SO high, I LOVE that!

Getting a good night’s sleep can help with many health benefits, not just the obvious energy levels! Sleeping well regulates your blood sugar and helps to regulate your metabolism, the reduction of stress gifted by a good night’s sleep relaxes your body and mind, it helps to regulate your weight, immune system, balance, energy, alertness and even helps improve your memory! Origin is offering more than a new mattress, it’s gifting all these add ons!

So, if you’re looking for a new mattress, or even if you’re not but this prompts you to realise you might need to, then we highly recommend the Origin Hybrid Pro! Both Jonny and I sleep very differently, we go to bed at different times, we wake up at different times, we cope with different amounts of sleep very differently and while Jonny would say he likes a hard mattress, I would say I prefer soft. Yet for us both this one works, has changed our sleep for the better and we’re both very happy! And a lot less irritable because we really are getting a much better night’s sleep – even with a toddler co-sleeping (she’s sleeping better on the mattress too)!

Don’t forget to use RocknRollerBaby20OFF2536 at the checkout for a BRILLIANT £20 off an origin mattress!


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