Today, our friends at Pampers released a short film which showcases just how babies bring out the best in us all, highlighting that there’s nothing we wouldn’t do to make life #BetterForBaby – if you haven’t seen it, you can watch it here:
Whether for your own beautiful brood, grandchildren, nieces and nephews or friends’ children, we all make changes to ensure that their lives are as happy as possible. And, what better time to celebrate the love that babies bring than Christmas? This festive season, Pampers want to help spread the cheer by pledging to help make life #BetterForBaby in local communities. Celebrating all that people do to ensure that babies can live their lives to the fullest, Pampers are offering five £1,000 bursaries, to help people like you and I make life #BetterForBaby in our neighbourhoods!
How you can make life #BetterForBaby?
Is there something you’d really love to see built in your community? Maybe you want to improve some much-needed changing facilities, supply nappies and blankets to a local shelter, or update playtime equipment for a community nursery… anything goes! If so, Pampers want to know exactly what you’d do to make life #BetterForBaby – tell Pampers your pledge using #BetterForBaby to be in with a chance of winning one of five £1,000 bursaries! Visit or search #BetterForBaby @Pampers_UK for more information!
Paolo Haeusermann, Brand Manager for Pampers Northern Europe, says: ‘Pampers support every baby’s happy, healthy development, so we’re excited to launch #BetterForBaby to celebrate all the joy that babies bring to our lives. The opportunity for UK consumers to win one of five £1,000 Pampers bursaries means that we can enable real change in local areas and communities. We are looking forward to seeing what pledges are made!’
This has got me wondering what I would ask for in my area and without hesitation it would be a garden for everyone to use. A bit like a cimmunity garden for sure but one where families can go with a paddling pool if they wanted, maybe have a BBQ in the summer? I live in East London and a vast amount of houses have been carved up into flats meaning an awful lot of people, like us, don’t have a garden. I see the joy being in my Mum’s outdoor space that my children have and it has always made me sad that we don’t have that.
There IS a community garden near our tube station but it’s only open at certain times and heavily regulated by what you can and can’t do. Having a BBQ or getting the paddling pool out is a no go and I’ve often thought about maybe getting an allotment, not to grow things, but so that we could use it for that!
We are actually in the process of moving and we will soon have our longed for garden but I know many people who not only don’t have the chance to visit family with grass to play on but who have no chance of moving somewhere bigger. Having a garden makes so much difference to children’s lives and it’s something many of us take for granted. In my mind’s eye a garden to play in is definitely #BetterForBaby! So, to help my own community I’d like to see a place open for all to have fun in the summer sunshine with a communal garden that they could treat as their own. Wouldn’t that be lovely?!

What would you choose?
To watch the Pampers #BetterForBaby video please click here or search #BetterForBaby on Twitter to make your pledge.
DISCLAIMER: This #BetterForBaby post was sponsored by Pampers UK