While it’s party season for everyone this time of year, it’s especially so for us as Florence was born on New Year’s Eve. We usually hold a party for her just before Christmas so that her friends won’t be busy with NYE plans and this year is no exception. We have a ‘Wozard Of Oz’ themes party in the planning and it’s shaping up rather nicely!
This year it’s going to be even bigger than usual because we are actually elongating her party so that we have a leaving party rolled into the end of it as we move mid january and it seemed perfect while we had everyone in one place. So… BIG party planning for me then!
Ordinarily I do very bespoke to the theme goodie bags with hand made cookies inside them but this year Florence has especially requested the plastic tat that everyone else has. Huh! All that hard work and what she actually wanted was a few sweets and plastic bits – of course!
Naturally I agreed but… These things can add up and with 50 party bags to prepare I wanted to save as much as possible! This is when www.partybagsandsupplies.co.uk have stepped in and saved me with a mountain of plastic for very little money! I’ve bought some candy striped bags and some bespoe ‘Wizard Of Oz’ stickers which say thank you for coming to my party to seal the bags with and inside them will go the booty from partybagsandsupplies and some sweets with colorings and e numbers galore (well, it IS a party after all)!

I actually have to say, that despite calling it plastic tat, I LOVE the lips whizzers and the mini cone and balls are brilliant while a ball maze for 12p is astonishing value and everyone loves a sticker sheet!
The service was super fast and came within a couple of days and not one item was missing. I do feel sorry for whoever had to count out 50 individual items for each one I chose!
Very impressed with partybagsandsupplies who do everything you can think of when it comes to party favour bags for children and even offer a ready filled bag service! Maybe I should just do that next year and save myself the task of actually having to fill them – it’s next on the list!
Thanks to Partybagsandsupplies for contributing to the party!