My Mum always made it a real priority to take me on holiday when I was little and thank the lord she still does! We are so very lucky that she has treated us to this summer break that we have been enjoying for the past week with still nearly a whole week left to go! It’s been amazing! AMAZING!
We are all just loving the sunshine, loving the beach, loving the sea, loving the swimming pool and loving the food. Having a glorious time all together!
The children are thriving, making friends, enjoying the freedom and having such fun while we are lapping up every golden moment too. Gram wouldn’t choose this sort of holiday for herself but chooses it for us because it’s so good for the children, she always puts them first because she’s the best Gram ever!
Here’s to more holiday memories!
The little play parks are lovely and Raffie is very keen!My little joiner Florence is all about the animation team’s games! She won this one!Kid’s club is awesome too and seems to coincide with Raffie’s nap so, win/win!Oh and that beach!My Mum and the Raffster!Jim-Bob loving the pool!Raffie has been a bit reluctant to actually get in the water but he’s getting there!And the sunsets here are so gorgeous!I just need to get in on the shots more!He’s just having the most lovely time!We all are!He’s not keen on the sea yet!But Jimmy is!And we keep trying him and showing him!While Florence is the ultimate beach chick!Having so much water fun!This one pulls this face at the splash pool – he’s a bit scared but getting better!He doe like him a huge beach ball though and a Pa Pa to play with it with!Joining in the quiz!Twinning!Like butter wouldn’t melt – only it would!The big kids, including Jonny and me, are loving snorkelling this holiday and Santo Tomas is the perfect place to introduce the to it with its shallow, clear water!When you’re let loose on a chocolate cream filled pastry!Yep, pretty smug!Collecting certificates for winning games in the day time!More snorkelling!And swimming!We are giving him a bit of aversion therapy and now it’s the end of the week he’s getting more confident! He likes the ball but not the pool so we have combined both and it’s working!We even got him onto the mini slide using the ball method!Florence doesn’t need any convincing!Nor do any of the others – this is her with her cousin! Now onto more fun in the sun for the last week of the summer holidays!