Summer Holiday Diary – Week Four!
Oh how the holidays do race along at break neck speed – I love it and hate it all in one because though it means we are having the best time it also goes in such a flash and I want to hold onto it a bit longer and keep all my babies at home with me. I love nothing more than school holidays when I get to spend all my time with them and the summer is the best because it’s the longest but possibly the hardest wrench when they have to go back!
Still… We have a fortnight left and what a fortnight it’s going to be for we have come to Menorca for the last leg of the break, aren’t we lucky!
But what did we get up to last week?!
Well, we went into Norwich to buy some essentials for holiday and popped into Norwich Cathedral where they have a giant helter skelter in the nave. I kid you not! What fun! We also went to Thrigby Wildlife Park with friends before having dinner (and an impromptu sleepover for Florence) at theirs, swam (of course), saw an open air screening of The Greatest Showman and got ready for our holiday! Whoop whoop!
Menorca is where it’s at for the next two weeks!