Magic Adventures With LeapFrog’s Binocular Camera!

Magic Adventures With LeapFrog’s Binocular Camera! This time last week we were on a magical adventure with LeapFrog where by they invited us to Woburn Safari Park to try out their Binocular Camera in the best place absolutely possible, on safari! What a treat! The little ones were gifted their very own pairs each and we were whisked off to see the lions, tigers and bears up close and personal on a VIP tour where we went off road and […]

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Canal Toys’ Photo Creator Kids Instant Camera!

Canal Toys’ Photo Creator Kids Instant Camera! Children’s cameras have come on a long way in the last few years and the difference between the ones my older kids played with at the same ages Raffie and Posie are now, is vast, and yet there’s only 5 and a half years between my boys. I’m guessing that was a five and a half years of a LOT of tech development! Raffie and Posie have had some really great, easy to use […]

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