The Worst Witch – Norwich Theatre – Review!
The Worst Witch is on at Norwich theatre Royal all this week and is the perfect way to enjoy a bit of Easter holiday fun with the smalls!
Playing April the 16th – the 20th it’s running the exact same dates as Florence’s show at the Norwich Playhouse (The Sound of Music) meaning this time she missed out on seeing The Worst Witch but Jimmy and I attended press night and can very much vouch that it’s one to see – as is The Sound of Music, who had their opening night last night and it was WONDERFUL, and both shows can actually be booked through the Norwich Theatre Royal box office. One is a big show with a big budget touring the country and the other, a smaller production, with local young talent at the helm and each of them with their own brilliance – we say go to both!

What I love about going to the theatre with children is seeing how wonderfully they react. Choosing the right show so that they are not permanently put off the art is obviously key for example taking Jimmy to King Lear would have him losing the will to live but The Worst Witch is JUST the show for all children, boys and girls, to get them laughing hard and bopping about to the music – this show really surprised me actually as it is SO upbeat and the acting is truly wonderful. No wonder Jimmy had so much fun! Jimmy and I LOVED Tit and had the best time being in each others company – a thing that doesn’t happen often for just the two of us but is always very welcome. Even better when we get to see something that really makes us both smile!
I was impressed with how Mildred managed to act and look exactly like an illustration. She was wonderful and so engaging while Miss Cackle/her evil twin, was exceptional, pretty much stealing the show! The entire cast is full of energy as they act the kids from Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches acting a play within their school. It’s really fun, super engaging and a blooming good watch!
Audiences will meet jealous Ethel Hallow (totally brilliant – she ALMOST stole the show herself), who is always out to spoil Mildred’s fun, and Miss Hardbroom who is opposed to all fun in general, and just as Mildred sparks some inevitable mayhem which is certain to upset them both, an old enemy returns with a plan for revenge that could threaten not just Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches but the whole world.
Jimmy gives it the thumbs up and chatted non stop about it yesterday! We think it’s ace!

Author of The Worst Witch Jill Murphy said: “My first trip to the theatre, aged four, opened up a magical world – so real to me that I had to be restrained from climbing onstage to help the children in peril! My mum was quite cross with me, but I never wanted the show to end and sang the songs loudly all the way home on the bus. Imagine how proud I feel, all these years later, seeing my own Mildred Hubble on stage with all the characters from Miss Cackle’s Academy.”
And she should be proud! A great story performed with aplomb and humour! We loved it!
Theatre is such an important part of my and my children’s lives – shows like this, which encourage youngsters to see live performance and really immerse themselves in the story are absolute gems! I’ve taken all of mine since they were babies and I think this is why they are so comfortable in the theatre and why Florence at least has taken to the stage herself – let children see theatre and let them be in it for their is so much pleasure to be had!
Don’t forget Florence is in the Norfolk Youth Music Theatre’s production of The Sound of Music all this week with 7.30 performances until Saturday and a matinee at 2.30pm. Mildred is at the Theatre Royal until Saturday also with 7pm performances as well as Wed, Thur and Sat matinees at 2.30pm.
To book all tickets, log onto or call the box office on 01603 630000.
We were invited to see The Worst Witch as guests of the theatre.