Wroxham Barns Little Farmer’s Club!

Wroxham Barns has just launched their new venture, a mid-week, term time, mark on their calendar, the Wednesday Little Farmer’s Club! A visit to be enjoyed by pre-schoolers (and anyone else you may have home) where the ticket will buy you all the regular fun on the farm, PLUS a “Little Farmer’s” itinerary of various activities, including messy play! £9.50 for anyone over the age of 2 gifts you a wrist band for the day to take part in as much, or as little of the themed activities running between 10.45 and 1pm, while also being free to roam the farm, use some energy in the soft play, feed the animals and of course, have unlimited ride access for the duration of your stay (until park close).
We attended last week for their debut “Little Farmer’s Club” which was “Going on a Bear Hunt” themed with a story time (we missed it due to tardy time keeping), swishy, swashy (spaghetti) grass and “mud” to wade through, a craft activity making a bear mask and more!

Posie and I had a great time, the only down side really was that we had to rush off and leave before the day was over – pesky school needing picking up from!
Here’s what we got up to!
Wroxham Barns is ALWAYS a fantastic day out and I just love that once you’ve paid, that’s it, you’re in and everything to do is included. They offer the very best seasonal activities around with their Halloween and Christmas offerings being the best in the county I would say. And for summer they even do camping and glamping on site with the whole shebang on tap!
We were invited as guests of Wroxham Barns to the first “Little Farmer’s Club”.