When I was little my eyes were always drawn to the adverts during children’s prime time television programmes – I was a little consumer. I knew exactly which toys and gizmos I was interested in and would then spend hours pouring over the toy catalogues afterwards marking pages and leaving my parents in the full knowledge of what I wanted for Christmas! Florence is exactly the same and is always declaring she’d like such and such then finding it in the catalogues and showing me again. I am never in any doubt as to what she would be pleased to be given as a gift!
Recently she has become very excited about one particular product which promises to make a slushy iced drink in minutes! I can completely understand her fascination because I as a child was also very excited to be given a product which promised the same! Unfortunately, the toy I had didn’t really work, my Mum took it back to the shop and that was the end of slushy drink making for me – I was very upset and it’s never been forgotten! When I told my Mum we were going to review the cup Florence has been so interested in she said ‘it won’t work, these things never do’. Seems she hasn’t forgotten either!
But… The ChillFactor Squeeze Cup Slushy Maker actually does work and unlike the contraption we gave all our energy to turning the handle on when I was a child, all you have to do with this one is squeeze it! A chill in the freezer for the silicon cup and then all you do is fill it with a drink, any drink and squeeze! The instructions suggest 6 hours is the chilling time needed but I think perhaps a little longer produces a better result!
I’m not joking, I don’t know how it’s done (well it’s something to do with the iced squishy bits inside the cup – I mean the science) but somehow it works and in a minute you have a proper slushy drink! It has a coffee shop style lid then you slip the spoon in the top so that you can spoon the slush out! I was quite literally amazed that it worked so well and so was my Mum! I thought it would work but I suspected it wouldn’t be as good as the adverts, I was wrong! The only thing I would say is don’t over fill it as it’s too difficult to make it slush up. Half way is perfect!

You can use it with juice, flavoured milk, even fizzy drinks so whatever your taste and you can have an iced slushy drink on a hot summers day! Florence is very impressed and apart from the fact that the cup we were sent wasn’t the colour she would have chosen she is absolutely thrilled! She soon forgot that the cup was blue when she saw how well it works though! This is something Florence can do herself and have lots of fun with the making of and also it produces very enjoyable and satisfying results!

Lovely and at £12.99 I don’t think it’s a bad price at all. (The cup can of course be re-used!)
I was not paid to write this post but I was sent a ChillFactor Squeeze Cup Slushy Maker for the purpose of review.