3 Things To Teach Your Young Kids About Cars

3 Things To Teach Your Young Kids About Cars

Some parents wait until their children are teenagers before teaching them much about cars. There’s some logic to that decision, as that’s typically when many people express interest in learning.

However, it’s also a good idea to teach younger kids a thing or two about cars when they’re younger. It’s never too early to start assembling some of the building blocks for later learning, and it can help them ease into these more adult pastimes as they grow rather than be thrown into the deep end at 17.

So, what are the types of things you can teach your young kids about cars? Read on for some pointers.


Young kids are clued into much of the discourse around sustainability. They’ll be learning all sorts of things about the environment and eco-friendly measures in school.

It’s not just their learning institutions keen to promote sustainability to them too. When it comes to driving, even the most iconic toy cars kids love to use are getting electrical makeovers, the manufacturers endeavouring to be more eco-friendly. The conversational prompts are there for parents and kids; all you need to do is build on the groundwork already laid for you.

How are electric cars made? In what ways do electric cars work? Will they one day replace those consuming diesel and petrol? While you may not need to go into the technical intricacies of cars, giving your child a few pointers about the sustainable future of automobiles is recommended.


It’s also important to make sure electric vehicles seem attainable. They can cost a bit more when purchasing them outright, but there are other ways to procure these innovative vehicles.

For example, ElectriX’s latest guide to leasing an electric car is most illuminating. They explain these arrangements in a way everybody can understand, such as describing leasing as ‘like renting a car when you go on holiday, but for a much longer time’. There are details on how these deals come together too. While you probably shouldn’t discuss all of it with your child, some of the information here can be useful in answering questions and facilitating the dialogue.

Of course, it’s not just about using resources to educate your children either. After reading the guide to leasing, you may be able to procure an electric car on a leasing deal. That way, your child will see first-hand how easy it is to drive, charge, and get more familiar with these innovative vehicles! You can set a great example.


Though they might cruise around in toy cars, kids do need to understand that the real thing isn’t a toy. It’s an asset that must be utilised properly for the safety of all. It’s a good idea to teach them about your car’s seatbelts and safety features, but in an ideal world, they’d never be used with a responsible driver behind the wheel.

Sadly, some parents can be irresponsible road users when children are present, so it’s important to be mindful of these pitfalls. Though you may not do anything outrightly illegal, driving responsibly is still important. Be calm on the roads, drive safely, and set a good example. Your driving will influence your young kids as they grow up.

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