
We talk about adulting with a lot of humour, the trials and tribulations of being an adult in a very tongue in cheek way; and this topic can be incredibly entertaining of course, but, there are serious sides to being an adult we have to consider before we can take on the light hearted.
So, as a fully fledged adult, what should we know and be doing to make life as easy as possible?
As a grown up we need to consider learning DIY, my mother was horrified that I didn’t know how to change a plug recently for example and though the need is not often, it did actually arise and much to her chagrin I knew nothing. She talked me through the process and gave me a big book of DIY jobs for she feared (rightly so) that I may simply employ an expert for jobs that I could (and should) be doing myself. Phew, I can change a plug AND put a picture up (straight) these days!
Taking care of the bills
Left to my own devices I’d have been happy to allow first my parents, and then my husband to take charge of the bills but was advised that really and truly I can’t be a fully functioning adult if I don’t know what’s coming out when and for what! I have associated myself with the household bill system and now feel that I’m saving my family money in the places that I need to most!
Setting up the future
The topic we don’t like to discuss is what happens after we have gone and not having adequate insurance or a will in place means that things could be tricky for those we might leave behind. Getting these things sorted is a one time job and then when it’s done the brain can switch off and not have to think about them again. Insurance is easy but writing a will? Where to start?! Well, it’s not as tricky as you might think actually and with the purchase of an easy will writing kit you can set yourself up and have it all in place ready for you to move onto the more fun things!
I’m not a planner but buying a kitchen planner for my big family was a game changer. Nothing beats being able to physically see everyone’s plans and for once I’m on time for things and don’t miss appointments – now this is adulting at its very best!
Meal planning
I don’t know about you but I hate thinking about what to cook for dinner more than I hate the actual cooking! Meal planning and using food box services like Hello Fresh and Gousto have literally made this section of very boring adulting much more enjoyable. It’s all about the prep!
Setting a good example
If our children see that we are adulting well then they will grow up to follow our examples and I think that’s what it’s all about really isn’t it?! So… Just being organised, capable and forward thinking should do the trick as far as I’m concerned!
(If it’s more humorous parenting you’re after then do check out Claire from Love, Life and Dirty Dishes to give you a few laughs!)