Ear Care!

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Ear Care!

Two year’s ago when on holiday in Menorca Florence had some ear issues which were extremely painful. Perhaps all the swimming we were doing had contributed but a build up of wax was discovered by the doctor on site who cleaned her ears and within minutes the pain had eased. We were all quite amazed and relieved as ear pain is just horrid, it’s not something you can ever forget about and absolutely takes over how you feel generally too. It was so easily corrected and as she is obviously quite prone, rather more so since that holiday, I had hoped that our own GP would be able to help in the same way but apparently not so. We were told upon her next bout that the way in which the Spanish Doctor helped is something which has to be done privately for her and not on the NHS, instead he wanted her to use oils and a treatment that could take two weeks to recover her ears to the same standard a simple clean managed in seconds – a no brainer really!

The holiday could have been ruined for this one without having her ears cleaned!

I was a bit worried that a private consultation and home visit might cost me an arm and a leg – when we’re trying to save ears the selling of other body parts might not be wise – but they pleasantly surprised me and their consultation fee is waived if any procedure is performed which is good to know!

Ear wax protects the ears by cleansing and lubricating them with its antibacterial properties. When it builds up due to not being cleaned properly however and it can lead to pain, hearing loss, dizziness and sometimes even tinnitus (constant noise in the ears). When I was a child we always ‘cleaned’ our ears with ear cotton buds which little did we know actually push the wax further down into the ear and don’t help at all. Auris ear care uses microsuction, considered to be the safest, cleanest and most efficient method of ear wax removal and the procedure is extremely effective and fast. They can even offer the treatment if patients have had surgery for things like grommets or mastoid cavities.

Also worth a note if you have children is that they can extract foreign bodies like… Perhaps… a petit pois pea… (perhaps just my family?)!

Of course sometimes we need a little more help when it comes to ear care and hearing aids may be something we need to look into for all ages. There’s no shame in this, and actually why spend time in silent when you can, instead, have the world opened up to you using Phonak hearing aids. Certainly one to look into!

In collaboration.

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