Awful Auntie – Norwich Theatre Royal!
Awful Auntie is on tour and she hit Norwich last night for the first of a three night run! Now before I go on I must say that it was BRILLIANT! AMAZING! FABULOUS!
The Birmingham Stage Company have the most creative sets which made the whole thing feel magical and enchanting! With rotating turrets to move and change into whatever they needed to be with lighting, textiles and even puppetry (which was glorious) to tell the tale this was a fantastically staged version of the story written by David Walliams and we couldn’t have come away with better recommendations. We LOVED it! And we didn’t even see the staple cast in their usual roles either – the chap who usually plays Awful Auntie wasn’t doing so last night and the cast had swung around a bit, however, if that information hadn’t been on a sheet of paper inside the programme we’d have been none the wiser! The actors did a sterling job, especially, it has to be noted, Ashley Cousins, who plays Soot (his regular role) who absolutely stole the show!
Florence laughed and laughed and laughed and when she whispered to me after the first few minutes that it was ‘SO GOOD’ I had to agree! Now, I want to not like David Walliams stories, I find him deeply unfunny as a comic and rather annoying on Britain’s Got Talent but the truth of the matter is, the man has a talent himself and it can’t be denied. His own talent might not lay in adult comedy (in my opinion) but he’s super funny for kids and I do totally get why they love his books so much; even I find myself thoroughly immersed when reading to the children at bed time. I love how Raj is in every story (or so I thought – he did not make an appearance in Awful Auntie last night but we haven’t read the book so maybe he does pop up there) and I get a real kick from the quirkiness of them. I guess there’s something just a little bit Road Dhal about his tales that makes them so super magical don’t you think – I suspect he kind of models himself on Dhal truth be told but the fact is, he’s good at it and whenever his books have been made into films we’ve blooming enjoyed watching them too! It was no surprise that we had a BRILLIANT time watching his story of ‘Awful Auntie’ on stage and judging by the amount of messages I received on Instagram, last night plenty o f you want to go and see it too! We say GO FOR IT!

Awful Auntie is on a nationwide tour with the Birmingham Stage and is at Norwich Theatre Royal until Saturday the 10th of November (with two performances daily). Book tickets through the box office on line or by calling (01603) 630000. It is recommended for children over the age of 8 and under 3s will not be allowed in the auditorium.
Do cathc a glimpse of what you can expect in this clip below:

We were invited to the show as guests of the theatre.