I remember getting my first sling when Florence was tiny and it literally revolutionised my life at the time. I became a baby wearer instantly because it suddenly meant I could do everything I needed to do (nothing exciting, I’m talking hoovering here) and I didn’t have to put her down. Being put down was not something Florence was very keen on!
I wore her outside too of course, I could often be seen pushing my empty buggy while I carried Flobo because that’s where she preferred to be but back in those early days the biggest pro to baby wearing for me was the fact I could get on with the household stuff while she was content and right beside me.
Over the years I’ve used loads of slings, some I’ve liked and some I haven’t quite so much but the principle of being able to have your hands free while still keeping a baby close is something which always appeals. And not just babies either because I was still carrying Jimmy on my back right up until I found out I was pregnant with Raffie so he was nearly 5! I mean not all the time but when we’d go to festivals and be seeing a band it was perfect for A) not losing him in the crowds (he’s always been a bit of a runner) and B) saving his little legs while not crippling me! I think Jimmy is actually still small enough to be on my back in a sling so perhaps his days of being baby worn aren’t over even at 5 and a half! We will see…
After all my years of baby wearing I knew that with Raffie it was of course going to be something I would do. But, after all my years of using a baby carrier, I’d never tried one from Baby Bjorn would you believe – I mean they’re probably the most famous brand, how had I not tried one?! Well, now it’s all change and Raffie is regularly carried by me AND Jonny, a man who NEVER willingly used a sling with the other two, with the brand new Be You Baby Carrier One By Baby Bjorn! We LOVE it!
We have the one pictured above but it comes in 6 colours/patterns, costs £135 and is an ergonomic baby carrier with many features like a fully adjustable seat width and 4 different front and back carrying positions. It’s also perfect from newborn onwards (until about 3 years/15kg – but if you have a shrimp like Jimmy he didn’t hit 15 kg until very recently so he could have been in this until 5!)!

In the past I’ve looked at more structured baby carriers like this (and I have used more structured ones) and thought them probably not the best for tiny babies, I’ve chosen instead to only use soft material wrap type ones wit a baby Raffie’s age. However, this one, though structured and something I could see myself using with a much older child, it IS soft and I feel very comfortable using it with Raffie. He likes it too and looks super comfortable in it, in fact he’s rarely stayed awake long enough to show us any smiles of happiness so we take his slumber as absolute approval!

This is fab because when I was in hospital the nurses, who had taken Raffie for me so that I could get some sleep, mentioned that they’d be able to do that for more women more often if they had slings they could use with newborns and now they do because the lovely Baby Bjorn people have sent my hospital some of these beauts – thanks Baby Bjorn! When I visited my consultant recently he was very grateful and I’m sure the Mum’s will be too – I expect when they see their tiny newborns being carried in one of these they will want one to take home, I’m SO pleased we have one – we use it all the time!

Baby Bjorn say:
Baby Carrier One is the ergonomic baby wearing choice that makes it easy for you to give your child the closeness and security they need, while you keep your hands free. Easy to use and adaptable to the needs of your growing child, it’s our most popular baby carrier. Your child sits comfortably and can move their legs freely, thanks to the adjustable seat area. With Baby Carrier One, it’s easy for you to switch between several front and back baby wearing options. The baby carrier has a sturdy waist belt and padded, form-fitting shoulder straps that relieve pressure on your back and shoulders, and make it comfortable for you to carry your child from newborn and up to the age of three years.
There’s loads of things that I like about this sling and another is how easy it is to use and how quickly I can put him in it. The way the fastenings work is with a slide and click which is brilliant! I’m used to baby carriers being a bit of a faff but honestly this is the quickest thing to put on. So ease and speed matched with comfort, lastability, and the fact my husband will use it makes a winner for me! LOVE it!

The Be You collection features the Baby Carrier One, One Air and Bouncer Bliss (read my review of the Bliss baby bouncer here) in several stunning new colours. Read more about the Be You campaign, and discover all the products and colours in the collection, here.