Dearest Posie – You Are Four!
Dearest Posie,

Now you are four! And you’ve been such a wonderfully brilliant three year old, as you were, two, one and a newborn, that I just know you’re going to ace this next year too! You are bright and wild and fun and full of love. You adore to be hugged and held, and are the most comforting creature we’ve ever met. Empathetic when someone is sad, cheeky to make everyone laugh, wise to gift advice even at your tiny little age. We love you so much we all almost explode with pride every time you do something fantastic, which is every single day. The big kids Florence and Jimmy, dote on you totally. Raffie wouldn’t be happy without you to play with and Daddy, Gram and I just beam whenever you are around. You bring sunshine and joy wherever you go and boy has it been my absolutely time of my life having you at home with me every day. What will I do when you got to school little birthday girl?! You, on the other hand, could run the place just as you are!
You were my super special baby, in my tummy in such a time I’ll never forget. You brought calm and happiness in a moment which could have otherwise been much harder. Growing I’d feel you move and it soothed me and then you were born into the strange pandemic world where you’d never known a previous and we navigated that time together. Each time I have a baby they brought a very special gift to my life, as a baby and at each stage you all still do. I feel like a lottery winner with my fab four! You brought, as a new baby, this wonder of feeling like the world had stopped and it was just us, we just held you and looked at you and honestly, even though the world went back to normal, I’ve just never stopped. I will feel it ever more difficult then, when I send you to school in September and am conflicted with this great happiness that you have grown into a beautiful on the inside (and the out – without doubt) little girl, but also with a big heartbreak that I have to share you with the world!
I hope the world knows what’s coming Posie Pamela Honeybee Knowles because you sure will set it alight with all the good things!
Here’s to all you birthday fun of family afternoon teas, cinema tripping, days out, a Wobbel Yoga birthday session, a meal out, and a party with your besties as well as a theatre trip which made a full week of celebrations!