Dearest Posie – You Are Three Months old!
Dearest Posie,
I always think you get to 12 weeks, 3 months in with a baby and you look behind you to realise the hardest bit is done. Not that it was ever really hard with you as from the moment you arrived you just slotted in and though you’re not a sleepy baby or one who likes anything other than being held, you are happy and easy going as long as you’re on me and I don’t mind that at all. So, colic evenings hopefully behind us and 12 weeks or 3 months in with the 4th trimester done has shifted us all into a pattern we are familiar with and find easy now. I mean there is more washing than we can cope with (Gram does most of it for us) and we don’t get much done other than look at you but boy do we adore it and not mind in the slightest. I just can’t believe the time has been going so fast because to me you are very much still a brand new new born! It also feels unfathomable to think you were literally only just being created this time last year – We love you so much Posie!
You giggle, and smile and watch us all the time. You are desperate to sit up and are trying so hard to roll from your back to your front and front to back you’re already on it! You love baby massage classes and Gymboree mesmerises you, you adore Jimmy’s face as he looks at you for hours. You do sleep for 4 hour stretches (sometimes longer) at night time, love to be with me and to feed and gaze up at me and you cannot stand being in the car or the buggy. I carry you in a sling most of all the time because that is easier and you are where you love to be, on my chest (usually feeding) even when out and about.
Three months old is so tiny and you still are so small, still super tiny in fact and have a long way to go in the 0-3 month clothes yet! But you also are very bright and active and almost feel like a much older baby than you are. You are exactly like your sister, it’s almost like going back in time and when I see her hold you it feels very strange. Raffie adores you too of course and you love him though I suspect you could probably do with a little less zealous hugging. However, you take it all in your stride. Chilled but totally focussed that’s who you are!