Everything You Should Know About Disruptive Mood Swings

Everything You Should Know About Disruptive Mood Swings

Changes in one’s emotional state and mood are typical of the human experience. No one can boast of never facing shifts in emotion as they go through the motions of life. One day, you will feel like all is right in the world and the world is your oyster. Next, you may feel lethargic and beaten down. Such is the nature of life. That said, having extreme, quick, and severe mood swings that interrupt your daily functioning and strain your work and relationships is not always okay. Such mood swings sound off the alarms to signal an underlying condition that could use some fixing. The mood swings could be a response to external factors happening around you or due to some internal turmoil. Here are some of the factors that could lead to extreme mood swings:

●     Chronic illness

Most people tie mood swings to emotional roots. The shifts in emotion could, however, stem from medical conditions impacting the standard functioning of the brain. Some chronic diseases and acute injuries that could result in mood swings are Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

●     Developmental milestones

Tantrums and extreme mood swings are nothing new to someone who has been around toddlers. Sometimes, mood swings are nothing more than typical emotional development. In some developmental stages, toddlers may be ill-equipped to regulate their emotions and will be all over the place. Mood swings may be present in other development stages like preteen and puberty. They will sometimes peak in adolescence. However, if the mood swings are outside the acceptable spectrum, they could point to an underlying mental health problem like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

●     Hormones

A substantial part of human functioning has hormones to thank. Fluctuation in hormone levels may be nothing to write home about, but if extreme, they may have notable effects. Changes in hormone levels like estrogen may cause severe mood swings. It is no wonder some women experience mood swings during different times in their menstrual cycle and menopause.

The male hormone testosterone also plays a significant role in mood regulation. It is not uncommon for testosterone levels to dip with age. The result will be unexplainable mood changes. You can get a straight forward testosterone test to determine if that is the culprit behind your mood swings. Some hormonal birth control pills may also result in mood shifts.

●     Allergies

Pesky allergy symptoms may heighten mood swings and irritability, especially during the time of year when you are prone to have symptoms. The constant itchiness, sneezing and watery eyes are enough to drive anyone up the wall. And the result may be unexplainable mood swings.

●     Medication

Some prescription medications take a toll on someone leading to unnatural mood swings. It is expected for medication like mood stabilizers and antidepressants to affect mood. However, some medicines prescribed for other conditions may have a similar effect. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing mood changes or manic episodes after using certain medications. They will find a better alternative. Also, a doctor may recommend cognitive supplements to boost memory like Cogniultra or Alphabrain.

●     Lifestyle factors

Some lifestyle factors that contribute to mood swings are poor diet, substance abuse and a chronic lack of sleep.

Managing mood swings

A switch for regulating mood swings is yet to be invented. And admittedly, mood swings may be a challenge to manage. That said, there are some steps you can follow to make it easier to control your mood swings rather than be a slave to the emotional rollercoasters. Here are some of them:

  • Seek medical intervention

If your mood swings continually become harder to manage, you may need to visit the doctor for further examination. Your doctor may recommend breathing and relaxation techniques or prescribe medication if necessary.

  • Consider therapy

If there are no physical reasons for your extreme mood swings, the next step would be seeing a therapist. They will help you iron out your mental health issues that could be the reason for the mood swings. You can learn better coping skills and ways to process challenging emotions in your therapy sessions.

  • Find social support

Humans are social beings. Isolation hinders connection, and mental health suffers as a result. Find social support to help you get through tough days.

  • Exercise

An endorphin boost from an intense workout may be just what you need to manage your mood swings. Slot some time off your busy day to squeeze in some physical activity. Your mood will be better for it.

  • Maintain a healthy diet

What you eat affects how you feel. Food is fuel, and you want your body to replenish on the best. Avoid junk food which increases fatigue and heightens mood swings. Opt for more fruits and vegetables that will leave you energized for life.

Wrapping up

Dealing with extreme mood swings can be a pain. And even more so if you cannot pinpoint the cause or get around to manage them. You should seek medical help if your mood swings are disruptive to your route and wellbeing.

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