Fashion Forward For 2023!
How to be fashion forward in 2023 when you’re a busy mum of four like me requires trusted places to shop where you know they just get it right, not just for now but for the future too. I’m not about fast fashion anymore, something I’d say in my teens and twenties I very much was. In my thirties I discovered that the clothing I wore the most was still items I’d had for years, where I’d chosen more carefully and therefore the quality was better, longer lasting and out lived trends. It’s not a case of reaching that level f comfort over style, more a case of finding my style and adapting it with what’s in for the season. As a result, in my later thirties and now my early forties I have discovered that buying with an eye for the future is, in fact, the actual future of fashion.
I’ve a number of items from Lands End which I’ve discovered to be one of those places who get sizing on point and make clothing which lasts and lasts. I love the fact their designs are bright and bold and definitely eye catching while also being things which never go out of style.

When I wear my Lands End mac I’m quite literally stopped in the street wherever I go. Recently I attended a thing at the theatre wearing this coat and someone I met said you’re wearing THE coat, I’ve seen you in this on Instagram and just LOVE it, where’s it from?” This is an item I know will see me season after season, year after year and will be just as eye catching this year as it was last. It washes brilliantly and is comfy and practical to boot – winning!
Choosing women’s clothing is pretty easy once you find that place that just knows… Knows your style, knows your size and can accommodate long lasting fashion. Getting the sizing right is imperative for me and my lifestyle. I don’t have time to shop about, especially when buying on line. This is my most preferred way of shopping these days as I find trawling round shops trying things on a real chore. However, sending things back is also a bit of a time consuming exercise I don’t enjoy (and forget to do) so buying from Lands End I can be pretty certain it won’t be just a case of me liking the clothing but that it will fit how I want it to as well. That’s one half of the battle don’t you think?! I know that with them I’ll be the size I measure and in everything, be it night wear, tops, dresses or even swimwear, it will be right for me!

I don’t actually know anyone who enjoys buying from places where the sizing differs exponentially from style to style. It’s bad enough when it’s from shop to shop but within one place (cough, looking at you high street) it’s bonkers. We need uniform sizing across all retailers, but I don’t think they listen, Lands End do! I ordered my husband a few bits just before Christmas and they got it right for him too!

It’s easy, yet always a la mode. It’s fast shopping with lasting legacy. These are the clothes I’m buying today to last me into the next goodness knows how many years but I don’t have to worry about that because I know that they just will. Affordable fashion, not fast, this is the way forward for 2023 – join me, make this your shopping mantra too!