This year for Florence’s party we said it had to be something quite small and as we are on a bit of a budget right now we needed it to be done on a shoestring.
She decided upon a sleepover party which is ace as no venue to hire or outside entertainment to pay for but I still wanted it to be really special for her. I’d seen lots of sleepover party companies on Instagram where they come and make amazing set ups and obviously that was way beyond my purse strings but I DIY-ed some fun things instead!
The invited were eye masks left over from some goodie bags, just cheapy ones and we glitter glued the word invite on the front along with a paper rose and then we tied miniature bottles to them with ribbons and inside the bottles was the message giving all the details and inviting Florence’s friends to her sleepover party!
Next I created a sleepover party pack for each girl with pyjamas, eye masks, head bands, face masks and slippers (buying everything in the sale so that each girl’s pack came in at around the £8.50 mark), I bought treats and popcorn for them to have a movie, decorated the Disc Beds we have for camping with some Christmas lights (also bought in the sale) and the food was pizza which the girls made themselves, freakshakes, dough balls and ice cream sundaes followed by my Mum’s cake creation for her this year which was a pink zebra theme! The girls also occupied themselves decorating pillow cases with fabric pens and the take home gift party favour (another sale item) was a little bottle of perfume!
Phew! It was fun in the organising and cost wise with the food, packs, sweets and treats and breakfast, it came in at about £70 which isn’t bad for a birthday party with six girls, not bad at all. You’ve just got to be savvy with the shopping and a little bit creative that’s all! Florence loved it and that’s the most important part (I loved it too you know, party styling is fun, even on a budget)!