Get Your Hair Party Ready!

Get Your Hair Party Ready!

Party season is upon us and with the sparkly dresses bought and the high heels being worn in, in anticipation of being on our dancing feet all night, it’s time to start thinking about hair and make up! My hair is super hard work because it’s very thin and yet has a tendency to blow up like a giant puff ball if I do nothing with it. I have to put heat on it in order to tame the frizz but with that i don’t like to damage it because there really is so little of it and I don’t like having it cut short. If I use too much heat my brilliant hair dresser gets very annoyed and ends up lopping loads off in order to make the condition good so what I’ve been advised to do is choose the products I use very wisely. A decent hair dryer like the BLOW hairdryer from mdlondon is great because it offers the styling a high heat affords without damaging your hair!

Florence, my nearly 14 year old, is the one who insists we use very decent things on our hair so as not to ruin it and honestly, though I hate to admit she knows more than me, she really, really does! She is a make-up aficionado and has got me into using all sorts of things which I’d have never known about like Charlotte Tilbury’s Hollywood Flawless Filter (it’s genius) and what can I say? The girl is always right about these things! So if she says we need very decent hair styling equipment that doesn’t burn our hair then I tend to think we do!

The mdlondon BLOW hairdryer is perfect because it’s small and compact yet has the klout of something my hair dresser uses but with that all important factor of being able to look after your hair. It gives you salon perfect hair with very little skill owned by yourself. And when I say yourself, I do of course mean myself! Because while Florence has the time (and skill), I do not! I need something that works, is kind to my barnet and doesn’t break the bank! THIS IS IT!

For this season’s festivities I shall be hosting a NYE party where I always find myself running around like a loon until the eleventh hour, leaving myself about 20 minutes to get ready. I’ll throw on the flawless filter as it makes my skin all dewy and party ready with minimal effort (not with my fingers, Florence has taught me better than that – I now use sponges and brushes, don’t know what I’m doing with them but I use them!) and I’ll have seconds to get my very fine hair looking shiny and ready for our guests to not notice that I’ve spent the afternoon with my hair in a top knot as I cleaned the house to within an inch of its life! Sounds stressy, but really I can’t wait!


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