Goldilocks And The Three Bears At The Maddermarket Theatre Norwich!

For the second year running in Norwich there’s really only one pantomime you need to book, and that’s the Sound Idea’s Theatre Company offering at the historic Maddermarket Theatre. Last year’s Cinderella was a triumph with the best, worst baddie in all the land played by none other than my delicious friend Anna Goode who once again is treading the vintage boards of this perfectly charming independent theatre in not quite such a wicked role – we can cheer her wholeheartedly as for 2022 she plays Baby Mamma Bear in this classic story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which will delight as it is re-told for a pantomime audience!
At £50 for a family ticket the prices are stonkingly good value and I can, without hesitation, say this will be every bit as brilliant as last year which had me rolling with laughter, booing, hissing and shouting “it’s behind you” in the fashion within which we love for a good old fashioned panto!
The show is on almost daily from December the 16th until December the 30th, sometimes twice a day, and as you would expect, tickets will sell fast at this price with the calibre of reputation Sound Ideas carries – do get in quick if you can!
With the changing of times and pockets shopping small and local has never been more thought of but I wonder if when choosing pantomime quite the same consideration is looked into. Pantomime was created as a way of seeing small and independent theatres through the year. They would finish on a high with a show inviting the whole family in the hope that the bottoms on seats would take them through the colder months and out the other side with revenue to keep them afloat. When you by a ticket from a theatre like The Maddermarket this same principle applies. The theatre has stood on its historic site fir 101 years, the first permanent recreation of an Elizabethan theatre. It offers community theatre, classes and other ways to get involved with not just watching performance but taking part too. It’s an integral part of the Norwich Theatre scene, one we cannot afford to lose; yet, like most, suffered at the hands of Covid terribly. They need your support now, more than ever and with a show as this one is going to be it’s not hard to pledge it.
Entertainment for the whole family as a very inclusive price and with Christmas memories just waiting to be made. When you’re thinking about pantomime this year in Norwich, this is the one to see. Trust me, it’s going to be the best!
I’ll be there on the 18th cheering on the cast, including my friend who is sharing her role, along. Anna tells me that both her and the other Baby Bear share their fur but they each have their own fat suit – sounds like me on a Christmas night out! I can’t wait!