How To Raise A Science Lover

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How To Raise A Science Lover

Science is an important subject for children and opens up many doors for them in terms of a future career. It is in fact a compulsory subject, at least until the end of GCSE level. With that said, parents should try and find ways to help their child find a love of science from an early age. Here are some tips from a prep school in Hampstead.

Explore the Great Outdoors

Exploring nature is a fantastic way to help your child find an interest in science and there are lots of ways you can do this. For instance, you could take a trip to the coast and go fossil hunting or spend a weekend camping. If you’d prefer to stay closer to home you could build a bug hotel or bird feeder to invite some wildlife to your garden, or even ask your child to help you out with some gardening. Not only is exploring the great outdoors fantastic for your child’s learning, it’s also good for their health as it will allow them to get some fresh air, exercise, and vitamin D.

Visit Museums

If you tend to struggle to think of things to do to keep your child occupied on a rainy day, perhaps you could consider taking a trip to a museum. You don’t necessarily have to go far, as there are museums dotted around all over the country. This is a great way to encourage your child to engage with science related topics and support their learning.

Talk About Science

This seems simple but having science related conversations with your youngster is a great way to encourage an interest. For example, if they have recently been unwell, you could chat about the immune system and how it works to fight off infection. Install a thermometer outside and talk to your child about the temperature every day and how the weather changes with each season. You could even discuss weather conditions overseas. Chat to them about the car next time you’re out for a drive and what makes it move. Teach them about why you should recycle your household waste and help them understand the effects of global warming. Your options are endless when it comes to science-based chats!

Watch Documentaries

Next time you have some downtime as a family and you’re not sure what to watch, perhaps you could consider a science-based documentary. This will help your child with their learning and perhaps spark an interest in them that they can take further and do their own research on.


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