Imperial Warm Museum Duxford Air Show 2022!
This weekend marks the first of two 2022 Duxford Air Shows, and it’s set to be great weather for a brilliant view! June the 18th and 19th will see air acrobatics and fast flying in a spectacular show just waiting to entertain the crowds!

This is the opening of flying season for the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, following this summer air show will come six flying days, the Battle of Britain air show in September and two special events for the finale to the season come October. There’s a brilliant line-up all season long but let’s start with the summer opening. Booking for tickets closes at midnight the night before so Saturday tickets will stop sales at midnight on Friday and Sunday will close on Saturday night. There’s still plenty of time to book yourself in for what’s set to be a fantastic weekend of fun, and perhaps it’s just the ticket for a Father’s Day treat!

This weekend there will be plenty to entertain the family on the ground as well as the dare devil antics to behold in the sky. Zoolab will be on hand to get up close and personal with both scaly and cuddly creatures, there will be a circus training workshop and loads more. A real party atmosphere so pack up a picnic (or treat yourself to the cafe – it’s lush), take some shade for the sunshine and enjoy!

IWM Duxford is a charity and ticket sales ensure the classic aircraft continue to fly, after a couple of exceptionally hard seasons they are more determined than ever to make this be one of the best shows they’ve ever put on! We will be at the one in September and can’t wait. It’s been SO long since we went to Duxford the big kids were still little and the little kids were twinkles in my eye. I just know that Raffie will LOVE it!

To buy your tickets visit where they are on sale until midnight Friday the 17th for Saturday entry and midnight Saturday the 18th for Sunday entry! Tickets are not available to purchase for same day entry. They are priced at £45 for adults and £15 for children over the age of 5, children aged 4 and under go free.
We will be attending the air show in September as guests of Duxford.