Jessica Ennis-Hill inspires parents to celebrate their baby’s Champion Moves!

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Have you heard about the new #PampersLittleChampions Campaign? Jessica Ennis-Hill is the face of it and it’s all about getting our babies wearing the right kit (or nappies rather) for all the moving and shaking they do – as much as an athlete would you believe which is why Jessica is the perfect person to front it with Pampers!

A couple of weeks ago I went to the launch of the #ThankYouMum campaign, something else that Olympian Jessica Ennis-Hill is working on and we got to hear Jessica’s Mum talking about raising her little champ in Jess. But of course Jessica herself is a Mum now and as well as competing at the top of her game with athletics she is also busy raising a little champion of her own. Now that she has Reggie it was really interesting to learn about her involvement with Pampers from a mother’s perspective!

Jessica Ennis Pampers

Take a look at this video to find out more about the Pampers Little Champions campaign with Jessica!

I once had a visit to the Pampers factory and know first hand how much care and attention they put into making the very best nappies a baby can wear and their latest product surpasses anything they have done before! Pampers are the only nappies with NEW revolutionary Magical Pods – absorbing channels that help to distribute wetness evenly – providing a sag free fit and superior dryness so babies are able to show off their champion moves!

That’s why Pampers are teaming up with Jessica Ennis-Hill so that together with the Pampers Little Champions Campaign they can shine a light on the next generation of little athletes and encourage parents to celebrate their own little champions too. As an athlete at the top of her game, Jessica knows how important it is to have the best kit to help her perform. Likewise, she knows how important it is for her baby to also have the freedom to move in comfort. To move like a champion requires practice and round the clock devotion and most importantly, a kit that will enable the best performance. Research shows that babies move so much in the day they can take as many steps as a marathon runner in just 24 hours* and just as the world’s greatest athletes need a durable kit, babies need a nappy that offers the best comfort and protection – a nappy that will allow them to move freely, without restriction, throughout the day.

Jessica says: ‘As a mum I love being active with Reggie – we have so much fun together and I know that it’s great for his development – that’s why I’ve teamed up with Pampers to encourage mums to celebrate their little one’s champion moves! Our babies are the future generation of medal winning athletes after all…’

 Jessica Ennis Pampers 1

Pampers understand that being able to move freely, and in comfort, is beneficial towards babies’ development. Pampers Love, Sleep & Play expert, Dr. Ellie Cannon explains how research shows that an opportunity to move is an opportunity for movement development to happen. I’ve spoken to Ellie quite a few times and I know how passionate she is about this project and she always has such helpful words of advice when it comes to this area. She says:

‘Feeling physically free and uninhibited whilst being supported and safe is an important part of a baby’s exploration of the world and physical development. Babies don’t need instructions to learn – they learn through self-discovery and encouragement from those around them. That encouragement comes in all forms: not just a clap from mum and dad, but also being unrestricted in their clothes and nappy. Freedom to move without restriction is a key aspect of your baby’s development environment’.

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that freedom of movement is freedom for your little one to reach their potential!

Did you know…?

A walking baby in one day can travel the distance of 29 football fields.                                                             Source: Adolph, K. E. & Berger, S. E. (2005). “Physical and motor development”. In M. H. Bornstein & M. E. Lamb (Eds.), Developmental science: An advanced textbook, (5th ed., pp. 223-281). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

A baby crawls as many steps as an adult walks in one day. Source:  Adolph, K. (2002) “Learning to Keep Balance”.  Adv. Child Dev. Behav. 30,  pp. 1-4. Adolph, K. et al. (1998). “Learning To Crawl: Child Development, 69(5), pp 1299-1312.

A crawling baby moves 8 times more than an adult just to get to the same place. Adolph, K. et al. (1998). “Learning To Crawl: Child Development, 69(5), pp 1299-1312.

A cruising baby in one day can take as many steps as a marathon runner in a race. Source:  O’Malley, M. 1996, Normalization of temporal-distance parameter in pediatric gait, J. Biomechanics 29, pp.619-625.

I’m always surprised by facts like this just as I am constantly surprised by the levels of technology that goes into making nappies these days. Pampers nappies are so thin yet still so absorbent, they have have a bit of a magical secret on their hands don’t they! The trick for getting a nappy right for me is that they don’t have to be changed all that often because sometimes it’s not possible, especially if they are sleeping. They also, obviously, have to remain dry to the skin and not sag down – that can’t be comfortable for our little champs now can it?! No wonder the new technology developed by pampers is making sure babies can move freely and reach their moving potential, it absolutely is helping our little champions as they master their next movement goals and this is, to us mums, just as important as the right kit for an athlete!

we’ll all be cheering on Jess in Rio but we all need to cheer on our own little champions because who knows, we could be raising the next generation of Olympic athletes ourselves!

My little monkey only wears nappies at night time now but here he is when he was just mastering the art of moving and he definitely benefitted from his well fitting and absorbent Pampers!
My little champ only wears nappies at night time now but here he is when he was just mastering the art of moving and he definitely benefitted from his well fitting and absorbent Pampers!

In association with Pampers.

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