- September 30th, 2011|3.0|311|1072359|1|16|AdId%3D6699352;BnId%3D1;link%3D (They love my blog, ooo-errr how exciting!)
I can’t believe it but this week has marked my year anniversary with my husband. We’ve actually been together for nearly eleven years but a year ago last Sunday we got married on the Algarve in Portugal surrounded by our closest friends and family and the day was totally perfect. This year to mark the anniversary Jonny had to work and I checked out the new Westfield shopping centre in Stratford City… Not particularly romantic or exciting but unfortunately there was nothing we could do about it… I thought Westfield was really good and being the consumerist that I am (I love nothing better than walking round the shops) it’s brilliant that I now have this on my doorstep! Bring on the Olympics I say, so far it’s bringing nothing but good to East London and I like it! So Sunday was a bit of a wash out but Monday morning I was sent a text by a lovely friend which said ‘I’m coming to get Florence so that you and Jonny can have the day together!’ She knew he had Monday off in lieu of working the weekend and what a kind thought! We didn’t even have to think twice before I text her back saying ‘YES PLEASE!’. We had a fantastic rare treat of a day in London just the two of us. We often get to go out and do things when we are visiting family in Norwich but when we’re at home unfortunately having no family close by does mean that we’re rather short of opportunities to go out sans child! We went to the new cinema in Stratford and then had a fantastic lunch out… Perfect! Oh and he bought me flowers which is only the third bunch in the whole time we’ve been together so that was a result!

It was so lovely of my friend to give us a break, especially as I’m going to have my hands full for a couple of days while Florence’s friend comes over to play. I’m also going to capitalise on having an extra one by starting my new mini project about what it’s like to go out and about with two children rather than one. I was planning on doing a mini series on this topic before I knew I was pregnant but now it’s really going to gear me up for the future. I am, over the next few months, planning to talk about what it’s like to use a sling with a buggy, a twin stroller, a tandem and also a buggy board. I’m going to start next week by reviewing the Chicco Echo Twin pushchair. Initial findings are that it’s really very good, not like other umbrella fold buggies I’ve used in the past and extremely easy to use but I’ll bring you more news on that next week.
So, what else have we been up to this week? Well… Actually we did something super exciting when we accepted a very kind invitation and went to discover Legoland in Windsor. Now I guess by now you will have noticed that I’m rather fond of a theme park or two but I might even go so far as to say this one is my favourite of the year so far? I might… but I’ll save my final judgement for my year’s roundup! It was brilliant! We arrived, parked the car, picked up the tickets, entered the park and then BANG! We were hit with why Legoland is a different kettle of fish entirely! The setting is beyond beautiful with the most amazing views. You start at the top and work your way down as the park is set out in the side of a massive hill. All you can see for miles around is masses of lush countryside and yet you’re in a theme park. The park itself is absolutely massive and all the attractions are set far apart from each other meaning you can’t help but drink in the scenery as you walk down and around it. Stunning! While there wasn’t a great deal for Florence’s age range, concentrating more I’d say on the 5 to 10 years age range – most rides state you have to be above 90cm tall – there was enough to keep her occupied and make sure she had a superb day! Like I said, the rides are for little ones but just little ones who are above 90cm tall and there’s not an awful lot of thrill seeking rides for adults. This park really is niche to that age range and why not, not much else is! I watched little ones having the most superb time on the middle sized rides and I would say it would be the absolute perfect day for them! It was a pretty perfect day weather wise which you wouldn’t necessarily expect at the end of September but we were, unlike when we went to other parks in the middle of summer, very lucky. The sun shone which meant we could make the most of one of Florence’s favourite things to do and enjoy the water park area. We hadn’t thought to take swimming costumes but luckily I had her rain suit and she went in in that! We saved it till the very last activity of the day and it was the perfect way to round off an absolutely delightful day. While we were at Legoland we went on every ride that was available to Florence. We enjoyed the train ride around the park and the submarine which takes you underwater to meet real live fishes, it was very exciting. We also loved the ‘Shoemaker and his Elves’ show which we saw in the mini theatre, it was very cleverly put together and entertaining for all of us. One of the nicest parts of the day was visiting Miniland, a miniature village built entirely out of lego. Each area depicts a different part of the world and it was so interesting as well as majorly cleverly built. Buses drive round areas, boats deliver flowers, wind turbines work and trains go about their routes. It was amazing actually and I probably could have spent the whole day walking round here. There is lots going on at Legoland, pirate and theatre shows, lots of rides, many, many different areas (the park is set out with differently named zones) and plenty of restaurants which didn’t seem too expensive. If you ate after 3pm most of them were doing a deal where kids ate for just £1. There was a massive lake with humungous fish to see, water rides, diggers to climb on, parks to play in and even an attraction where you could try out being a fireman. But even with all of this going on the park felt relaxing, we felt like we were having a lovely leisurely stroll in a lush setting. The build for the forthcoming Legoland Hotel is fully underway, not that it at all detracts from your visit – you’d barely notice it – and although I would usually think staying IN a theme park would just be far too much, I really don’t think it would be here. The area where the hotel is being erected is by a massive lake and with rolling hills the other side of it I actually think it will probably be a relaxing enjoyable break away. I can’t wait to hear more about the hotel but from what I’ve seen already it looks top bananas to me! The two things I didn’t think were so great were the fact that I couldn’t see many specific areas to picnic and picnic benches outside the restaurants were off limits for eating your own food at. Also the car park costs an extra £2 per day unless you are a season ticket holder which I personally think is a bit much. When you pay to enter a theme park I think the parking should be covered in the cost of your ticket. I can see that they don’t want people to park here and then not use the park but they could easily make the showing of your parking ticket upon exit, the showing of your park ticket instead. It’s just a small couple of bug bears in what was otherwise a pretty perfect day.
Ticket prices vary with all the different options on offer, Merlin annual passes, Legoland annual passes, 2 day passes and group tickets etc but a standard adult ticket on the gate is £41.40 and for a child £32.40. These prices reduce greatly when booked on line to £37.20 and £28.80 respectively. It’s worth noting the annual passes for just Legoland, when booked on line start at as little as £70.20 for an adult and £36.60 for a child. This is for the standard pass meaning terms and conditions apply but if you’re going to go more than once in a year it’s superbly good value! Also, all children under 3 are FREE! For all ticket prices, deals and other information on the park see the website

This coming week I’ve got lots of exciting things planned so don’t forget to come back and see us again in a week when I can fill you in on what we’ve been up to again. I’m also really looking forward to the upcoming re release of ‘The Lion King,’ which can be seen for the first time ever, in 3D when it hits theatres on October 7th! It will be a whole 17 years to the day from its original release which just doesn’t seem possible and makes me feel very old! It will then be available to buy on Disney Blu-ray and Disney 3D Blu-ray for the first time ever on November 7th 2011. The film is a Disney classic and an absolute triumph both visually and musically, so it’s super exciting that we can now see this wonderful animation in 3D! How exciting, I know I’ll be making like Katie Price and her children who attended the star studded premiere at the BFI IMAX in London last weekend and rushing out to see this as soon as possible!

Moving on to my competitions and there is a new one this week but don’t forget there are still ‘Peppa Pig’ theatre tickets up for grabs! For your chance to win tickets to take your little ones to what promises to be THE show of the year then read on!

Win Family Fun at Peppa Pig’s new theatre tour
Peppa Pig fans will not want to miss this! Rocknrollerbaby and the producers of Peppa Pig’s brand new theatre tour, Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt, are delighted to offer 1 lucky winner a family ticket to see the show at the theatre of their choice. For a full tour list please go to A family ticket is for 4 people, minimum 1 adult.
In this new theatre production Peppa Pig and her friends set off on a treasure hunt. Peppa, her brother George and friend Danny Dog get up to fun and games on a day out on Grandad Dog’s boat. There are clues aplenty as Pedro Pony, Polly Parrot and Zoe Zebra help them find their treasure as they all enjoy a day of adventure. Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt features true-to-life puppets, perfect sing-along songs and a new story that will charm and delight all her fans. Full sail! Ahoy!
Entrants should state their venue and performance time choice but should note that tickets are subject to availability. No cash alternatives, accommodation or travel are provided in this competition. The tickets are non-transferable.
Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt is produced by Fiery Angel and Limelight Productions.
Peppa Pig © Astley Baker Davies Ltd / E1 Entertainment Ltd 2003.
Q: What’s the name of Peppa Pig’s young brother?
Send your answers to the question above, contact details, venue and time choice to [email protected] by midnight on 12th October 2011! What a great prize!
This second scary competition is your opportunity to win a family ticket to the London Dungeons this Halloween. For your chance, and there are two family tickets up for grabs, then read on:
This Halloween the Dungeons in London, Edinburgh, York, Warwick and Blackpool present:
King of Scare . . . Stingy Jack!
15th -31st October
This October the Dungeons delve into the darkest of Halloween legends as the Homes of Halloween present the King of Scare: Stingy Jack.
Condemned by Old Nick himself for his nasty nature, Irish Halloween legend tells how Stingy Jack was doomed to wander the underworld in endless darkness with only a turnip lantern to light his way.
This Halloween, the Dungeons will bring Stingy Jack’s twisted tale to life with live actors and specially created shows designed for maximum Halloween high jinx, where guests will be led deep into the dark myth of Stingy Jack’s curse.
Visitors are warned: prepare for thrills, jumps and scares as this grisly turnip headed ghoul walks prowls the Dungeons’ shadowy corridors ready to pop up and pounce on the unwary.
Dungeon guests will feel the blood freeze in their veins as they edge their way through Stingy Jack’s hell hole of a lair. With shadows, spiders and dusty cobwebs, Stingy Jack’s horrendous hovel is home to an army of staring turnip heads with twisted grins and mocking eyes. . .
For those who survive the Dungeons’ Halloween happenings there’s centuries of horrible history to discover in a host of interactive actor-led live shows and hair-raising rides.
Presenting Britain’s darkest past, the Dungeons are the UK’s most ‘orrible family attractions, suitable for children over ten years old.
The Dungeons’ favourite holiday festival will be celebrated with extended opening hours. Please check for further details. Best prices online. Priority entrance booking available online and recommended during October half term as the Dungeon’s Halloween peak period.
Individual Dungeon activity times and offerings may vary. Please check and for individual Dungeons’ activity details.
Win tickets to the Dungeons this Halloween and meet Stingy Jack …. if you dare! Rocnrollerbaby has two family passes to the Dungeons to give away!
Just answer this simple question: The Dungeons’ Halloween character this year is called …
a) Stringy Jack
b) Stingy Jack
c) Strange Jack
Email your answer, name, venue and date choice by midnight on 12th October to [email protected] for your chance to win!
It’s been a tough week really, Florence is having a very crabby time and being very demanding. She’s crying and moaning lots when she doesn’t get her own way which is often and ALL she wants to do is breast feed which is very draining. I think it’s a combination of her last four teeth which have been giving her (and us) jip for weeks now, the fact that she’s hitting the terrible twos and also perhaps my milk supply isn’t quite as great as it was making her want to feed more often? I have heard that it can deplete in pregnancy so it could be that? I’m rather hoping that when I get to about 6 months and the milk turns to colostrum in preparation for the new baby that she’ll be put off by the new taste and stop feeding altogether. It often happens that way according to all the things I’ve been reading about it and much as I love to feed her I would love it more if she self weaned now. I definitely don’t want to force it upon her, I know self weaning is meant to be best for them but I don’t know how much longer I can carry on either? What I would really like is to give one feed in the morning and one before bed but Florence crazes me for milk all through the night and day if we’re not out and about and busy… It makes me feel very tired and sleepy when feeding and I’m tired and sleepy enough thank you very much! Plus, I don’t think anyone could say I haven’t given breast feeding my best shot! She’s been doing it for 21 months now!
I’m also feeling really out of sorts this week, I’d thought the sickness was over and was beginning to actually worry about a lack of signs but its come back with a vengeance! Should be careful what you wish for I guess… Last time I was pregnant I literally couldn’t get enough food down me but this time the thought of food most of the time turns my stomach. I know I’m hungry but I just don’t know what for and when I start to eat something I often feel immediately sick. It’s so unfair, I’m such a food lover! I absolutely love to eat but all I can happily think about eating are strawberries and ice cubes? How odd I thought but upon a quick Google search I have found that it’s actually quite common to crave ice cubes and can suggest a bit of an iron deficiency… That would also explain why I don’t seem to be revolted by red meat?! It’s made me think that I must get round to going to the hospital next week and having my blood tests. I’ve been putting it off because it’s such a chore to go to the hospital with a toddler who will NOT be pleased at having to sit in a waiting room for goodness knows how long?! It’s a sit and wait clinic so I really need to try and find out when are the least busy times I suppose. The first time you are pregnant you do everything as soon as you can, picking up your Bounty pack before you’ve even waited for the blue lines to appear on the test, devouring all reading material and buying as soon as you can. I had my blood tests the day after being told I needed to go at some point. I’m beginning to realise that second time round is quite different, not less exciting but you just don’t have enough time to pour over the step by step weeks in the pregnancy book (I’ve got it out but it’s not been open), I’m not even sure where I’ve put the token for the Bounty pack and I find myself barely thinking about it most of the time. With Florence I would day dream for hours… The good part to this is that hopefully it won’t feel like I am pregnant for eight years as it did before but the down side is that I don’t get to relax as much as when I was pregnant before… Now I’m just a walking zombie with a slightly pale complexion every so often…
I have found something which is helping with both the sickness and to start me unwinding when I do get the chance to sit down. I was sent the Natalia Prenatal Instant Unwinder by The Natural Store and it does definitely help! It’s a mini roll on with organic essential oils of lavender, vetiver and ylang ylang blended in organic sunflower oil. You just roll it on to your wrists and behind the ear and it has a lovely instant calming effect. For me it also seems to help those waves of nausea. It smells so fresh and it immediately makes me feel heaps better. It’s really small, no bigger than a lipstick but I have been using it round the clock and hardly any of it has gone so it’s going to last me ages. It fits inside my purse and I literally wouldn’t be without it at the moment. It’s most certainly my pregnancy product of the week! To read more about it and buy the Natalia Prenatal Instant Unwinder visit where you can also see all their other lovely products. The unwinder is priced at a very reasonable £7 for 10ml and I see no reason why this one bottle couldn’t last me my whole pregnancy!
So, that’s week 9! We’re marching on and it’s hard to believe that in just three weeks I’ll be having my first scan… Join me next week for my week 10 update and some more great pregnancy products!
I can’t believe it but this week has marked my year anniversary with my husband. We’ve actually been together for nearly eleven years but a year ago last Sunday we got married on the Algarve in Portugal surrounded by our closest friends and family and the day was totally perfect. This year to mark the anniversary Jonny had to work and I checked out the new Westfield shopping centre in Stratford City… Not particularly romantic or exciting but unfortunately there was nothing we could do about it… I thought Westfield was really good and being the consumerist that I am (I love nothing better than walking round the shops) it’s brilliant that I now have this on my doorstep! Bring on the Olympics I say, so far it’s bringing nothing but good to East London and I like it! So Sunday was a bit of a wash out but Monday morning I was sent a text by a lovely friend which said ‘I’m coming to get Florence so that you and Jonny can have the day together!’ She knew he had Monday off in lieu of working the weekend and what a kind thought! We didn’t even have to think twice before I text her back saying ‘YES PLEASE!’. We had a fantastic rare treat of a day in London just the two of us. We often get to go out and do things when we are visiting family in Norwich but when we’re at home unfortunately having no family close by does mean that we’re rather short of opportunities to go out sans child! We went to the new cinema in Stratford and then had a fantastic lunch out… Perfect! Oh and he bought me flowers which is only the third bunch in the whole time we’ve been together so that was a result!
It was so lovely of my friend to give us a break, especially as I’m going to have my hands full for a couple of days while Florence’s friend comes over to play. I’m also going to capitalise on having an extra one by starting my new mini project about what it’s like to go out and about with two children rather than one. I was planning on doing a mini series on this topic before I knew I was pregnant but now it’s really going to gear me up for the future. I am, over the next few months, planning to talk about what it’s like to use a sling with a buggy, a twin stroller, a tandem and also a buggy board. I’m going to start next week by reviewing the Chicco Echo Twin pushchair. Initial findings are that it’s really very good, not like other umbrella fold buggies I’ve used in the past and extremely easy to use but I’ll bring you more news on that next week.
So, what else have we been up to this week? Well… Actually we did something super exciting when we accepted a very kind invitation and went to discover Legoland in Windsor. Now I guess by now you will have noticed that I’m rather fond of a theme park or two but I might even go so far as to say this one is my favourite of the year so far? I might… but I’ll save my final judgement for my year’s roundup! It was brilliant! We arrived, parked the car, picked up the tickets, entered the park and then BANG! We were hit with why Legoland is a different kettle of fish entirely! The setting is beyond beautiful with the most amazing views. You start at the top and work your way down as the park is set out in the side of a massive hill. All you can see for miles around is masses of lush countryside and yet you’re in a theme park. The park itself is absolutely massive and all the attractions are set far apart from each other meaning you can’t help but drink in the scenery as you walk down and around it. Stunning! While there wasn’t a great deal for Florence’s age range, concentrating more I’d say on the 5 to 10 years age range – most rides state you have to be above 90cm tall – there was enough to keep her occupied and make sure she had a superb day! Like I said, the rides are for little ones but just little ones who are above 90cm tall and there’s not an awful lot of thrill seeking rides for adults. This park really is niche to that age range and why not, not much else is! I watched little ones having the most superb time on the middle sized rides and I would say it would be the absolute perfect day for them! It was a pretty perfect day weather wise which you wouldn’t necessarily expect at the end of September but we were, unlike when we went to other parks in the middle of summer, very lucky. The sun shone which meant we could make the most of one of Florence’s favourite things to do and enjoy the water park area. We hadn’t thought to take swimming costumes but luckily I had her rain suit and she went in in that! We saved it till the very last activity of the day and it was the perfect way to round off an absolutely delightful day. While we were at Legoland we went on every ride that was available to Florence. We enjoyed the train ride around the park and the submarine which takes you underwater to meet real live fishes, it was very exciting. We also loved the ‘Shoemaker and his Elves’ show which we saw in the mini theatre, it was very cleverly put together and entertaining for all of us. One of the nicest parts of the day was visiting Miniland, a miniature village built entirely out of lego. Each area depicts a different part of the world and it was so interesting as well as majorly cleverly built. Buses drive round areas, boats deliver flowers, wind turbines work and trains go about their routes. It was amazing actually and I probably could have spent the whole day walking round here. There is lots going on at Legoland, pirate and theatre shows, lots of rides, many, many different areas (the park is set out with differently named zones) and plenty of restaurants which didn’t seem too expensive. If you ate after 3pm most of them were doing a deal where kids ate for just £1. There was a massive lake with humungous fish to see, water rides, diggers to climb on, parks to play in and even an attraction where you could try out being a fireman. But even with all of this going on the park felt relaxing, we felt like we were having a lovely leisurely stroll in a lush setting. The build for the forthcoming Legoland Hotel is fully underway, not that it at all detracts from your visit – you’d barely notice it – and although I would usually think staying IN a theme park would just be far too much, I really don’t think it would be here. The area where the hotel is being erected is by a massive lake and with rolling hills the other side of it I actually think it will probably be a relaxing enjoyable break away. I can’t wait to hear more about the hotel but from what I’ve seen already it looks top bananas to me! The two things I didn’t think were so great were the fact that I couldn’t see many specific areas to picnic and picnic benches outside the restaurants were off limits for eating your own food at. Also the car park costs an extra £2 per day unless you are a season ticket holder which I personally think is a bit much. When you pay to enter a theme park I think the parking should be covered in the cost of your ticket. I can see that they don’t want people to park here and then not use the park but they could easily make the showing of your parking ticket upon exit, the showing of your park ticket instead. It’s just a small couple of bug bears in what was otherwise a pretty perfect day.
Ticket prices vary with all the different options on offer, Merlin annual passes, Legoland annual passes, 2 day passes and group tickets etc but a standard adult ticket on the gate is £41.40 and for a child £32.40. These prices reduce greatly when booked on line to £37.20 and £28.80 respectively. It’s worth noting the annual passes for just Legoland, when booked on line start at as little as £70.20 for an adult and £36.60 for a child. This is for the standard pass meaning terms and conditions apply but if you’re going to go more than once in a year it’s superbly good value! Also, all children under 3 are FREE! For all ticket prices, deals and other information on the park see the website
This coming week I’ve got lots of exciting things planned so don’t forget to come back and see us again in a week when I can fill you in on what we’ve been up to again. I’m also really looking forward to the upcoming re release of ‘The Lion King,’ which can be seen for the first time ever, in 3D when it hits theatres on October 7th! It will be a whole 17 years to the day from its original release which just doesn’t seem possible and makes me feel very old! It will then be available to buy on Disney Blu-ray and Disney 3D Blu-ray for the first time ever on November 7th 2011. The film is a Disney classic and an absolute triumph both visually and musically, so it’s super exciting that we can now see this wonderful animation in 3D! How exciting, I know I’ll be making like Katie Price and her children who attended the star studded premiere at the BFI IMAX in London last weekend and rushing out to see this as soon as possible!
Moving on to my competitions and there is a new one this week but don’t forget there are still ‘Peppa Pig’ theatre tickets up for grabs! For your chance to win tickets to take your little ones to what promises to be THE show of the year then read on!
Win Family Fun at Peppa Pig’s new theatre tour
Peppa Pig fans will not want to miss this! Rocknrollerbaby and the producers of Peppa Pig’s brand new theatre tour, Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt, are delighted to offer 1 lucky winner a family ticket to see the show at the theatre of their choice. For a full tour list please go to A family ticket is for 4 people, minimum 1 adult.
In this new theatre production Peppa Pig and her friends set off on a treasure hunt. Peppa, her brother George and friend Danny Dog get up to fun and games on a day out on Grandad Dog’s boat. There are clues aplenty as Pedro Pony, Polly Parrot and Zoe Zebra help them find their treasure as they all enjoy a day of adventure. Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt features true-to-life puppets, perfect sing-along songs and a new story that will charm and delight all her fans. Full sail! Ahoy!
Entrants should state their venue and performance time choice but should note that tickets are subject to availability. No cash alternatives, accommodation or travel are provided in this competition. The tickets are non-transferable.
Peppa Pig’s Treasure Hunt is produced by Fiery Angel and Limelight Productions.
Peppa Pig © Astley Baker Davies Ltd / E1 Entertainment Ltd 2003.
Q: What’s the name of Peppa Pig’s young brother?
Send your answers to the question above, contact details, venue and time choice to [email protected] by midnight on 12th October 2011! What a great prize!
This second scary competition is your opportunity to win a family ticket to the London Dungeons this Halloween. For your chance, and there are two family tickets up for grabs, then read on:
This Halloween the Dungeons in London, Edinburgh, York, Warwick and Blackpool present:
King of Scare . . . Stingy Jack!
15th -31st October
This October the Dungeons delve into the darkest of Halloween legends as the Homes of Halloween present the King of Scare: Stingy Jack.
Condemned by Old Nick himself for his nasty nature, Irish Halloween legend tells how Stingy Jack was doomed to wander the underworld in endless darkness with only a turnip lantern to light his way.
This Halloween, the Dungeons will bring Stingy Jack’s twisted tale to life with live actors and specially created shows designed for maximum Halloween high jinx, where guests will be led deep into the dark myth of Stingy Jack’s curse.
Visitors are warned: prepare for thrills, jumps and scares as this grisly turnip headed ghoul walks prowls the Dungeons’ shadowy corridors ready to pop up and pounce on the unwary.
Dungeon guests will feel the blood freeze in their veins as they edge their way through Stingy Jack’s hell hole of a lair. With shadows, spiders and dusty cobwebs, Stingy Jack’s horrendous hovel is home to an army of staring turnip heads with twisted grins and mocking eyes. . .
For those who survive the Dungeons’ Halloween happenings there’s centuries of horrible history to discover in a host of interactive actor-led live shows and hair-raising rides.
Presenting Britain’s darkest past, the Dungeons are the UK’s most ‘orrible family attractions, suitable for children over ten years old.
The Dungeons’ favourite holiday festival will be celebrated with extended opening hours. Please check for further details. Best prices online. Priority entrance booking available online and recommended during October half term as the Dungeon’s Halloween peak period.
Individual Dungeon activity times and offerings may vary. Please check and for individual Dungeons’ activity details.
Win tickets to the Dungeons this Halloween and meet Stingy Jack …. if you dare! Rocnrollerbaby has two family passes to the Dungeons to give away!
Just answer this simple question: The Dungeons’ Halloween character this year is called …
a) Stringy Jack
b) Stingy Jack
c) Strange Jack
Email your answer, name, venue and date choice by midnight on 12th October to [email protected] for your chance to win!
It’s been a tough week really, Florence is having a very crabby time and being very demanding. She’s crying and moaning lots when she doesn’t get her own way which is often and ALL she wants to do is breast feed which is very draining. I think it’s a combination of her last four teeth which have been giving her (and us) jip for weeks now, the fact that she’s hitting the terrible twos and also perhaps my milk supply isn’t quite as great as it was making her want to feed more often? I have heard that it can deplete in pregnancy so it could be that? I’m rather hoping that when I get to about 6 months and the milk turns to colostrum in preparation for the new baby that she’ll be put off by the new taste and stop feeding altogether. It often happens that way according to all the things I’ve been reading about it and much as I love to feed her I would love it more if she self weaned now. I definitely don’t want to force it upon her, I know self weaning is meant to be best for them but I don’t know how much longer I can carry on either? What I would really like is to give one feed in the morning and one before bed but Florence crazes me for milk all through the night and day if we’re not out and about and busy… It makes me feel very tired and sleepy when feeding and I’m tired and sleepy enough thank you very much! Plus, I don’t think anyone could say I haven’t given breast feeding my best shot! She’s been doing it for 21 months now!
I’m also feeling really out of sorts this week, I’d thought the sickness was over and was beginning to actually worry about a lack of signs but its come back with a vengeance! Should be careful what you wish for I guess… Last time I was pregnant I literally couldn’t get enough food down me but this time the thought of food most of the time turns my stomach. I know I’m hungry but I just don’t know what for and when I start to eat something I often feel immediately sick. It’s so unfair, I’m such a food lover! I absolutely love to eat but all I can happily think about eating are strawberries and ice cubes? How odd I thought but upon a quick Google search I have found that it’s actually quite common to crave ice cubes and can suggest a bit of an iron deficiency… That would also explain why I don’t seem to be revolted by red meat?! It’s made me think that I must get round to going to the hospital next week and having my blood tests. I’ve been putting it off because it’s such a chore to go to the hospital with a toddler who will NOT be pleased at having to sit in a waiting room for goodness knows how long?! It’s a sit and wait clinic so I really need to try and find out when are the least busy times I suppose. The first time you are pregnant you do everything as soon as you can, picking up your Bounty pack before you’ve even waited for the blue lines to appear on the test, devouring all reading material and buying as soon as you can. I had my blood tests the day after being told I needed to go at some point. I’m beginning to realise that second time round is quite different, not less exciting but you just don’t have enough time to pour over the step by step weeks in the pregnancy book (I’ve got it out but it’s not been open), I’m not even sure where I’ve put the token for the Bounty pack and I find myself barely thinking about it most of the time. With Florence I would day dream for hours… The good part to this is that hopefully it won’t feel like I am pregnant for eight years as it did before but the down side is that I don’t get to relax as much as when I was pregnant before… Now I’m just a walking zombie with a slightly pale complexion every so often…
I have found something which is helping with both the sickness and to start me unwinding when I do get the chance to sit down. I was sent the Natalia Prenatal Instant Unwinder by The Natural Store and it does definitely help! It’s a mini roll on with organic essential oils of lavender, vetiver and ylang ylang blended in organic sunflower oil. You just roll it on to your wrists and behind the ear and it has a lovely instant calming effect. For me it also seems to help those waves of nausea. It smells so fresh and it immediately makes me feel heaps better. It’s really small, no bigger than a lipstick but I have been using it round the clock and hardly any of it has gone so it’s going to last me ages. It fits inside my purse and I literally wouldn’t be without it at the moment. It’s most certainly my pregnancy product of the week! To read more about it and buy the Natalia Prenatal Instant Unwinder visit where you can also see all their other lovely products. The unwinder is priced at a very reasonable £7 for 10ml and I see no reason why this one bottle couldn’t last me my whole pregnancy!
So, that’s week 9! We’re marching on and it’s hard to believe that in just three weeks I’ll be having my first scan… Join me next week for my week 10 update and some more great pregnancy products!