Make A Fashionable New You For A New Year!

We’ve just got over Christmas and all the celebrations and we’re now ready to start a fresh in a new year! It’s the beginning of the year, January is the perfect month to mark a new beginning and that’s all anyone is talking about right, but it’s also kind of hard in the darker months, with early evenings and late sunrises making us want to hibernate rather than get on it and go all out to make major changes, to invest fully in New Year’s resolutions. Or at least I find it hard! But… You know what they say about a New Year don’t you?! New Year, new YOU right?!
And when it comes to making a new you then I think forget the truly tricky areas, we don’t have to change fully to become happier or better or more worthwhile. I say think about fashion as being your first port of call – that’s a pretty easy thing to focus on I feel and one we can all get on board with when it means shopping – who doesn’t love to shop?! That’s not to say it has to be something brand new that’s never seen the scene before, fashion, like all good things, comes around again and right now it’s all about the baby tees, the y2k baby tees no less! Remember them?!
We were the original baby tee wearers, us kids who knew life both before and after the internet, and who partied hard into the actual Y2K while still being young and fun while we did it. It’s about time we have a revival of the y2k clothing that partied with us! We were the OH GEES as my big kids call it and actually, I’m bored of revivals not involving the original participants, we were there first, it HAS to be about us. We can let the others in, sure! But we need to be the ones at the forefront right?!
It’s easy to make a New Year, new you when it comes to fashion, just make it a revival instead! And for 2025’s New year’s Resolutions don’t make it hard. Losing weight, giving up bad habits and making major changes are often hard, harder when you pile on the pressure of it being a New year’s resolution and telling everyone. Instead focus on something easy for January like your fashion sense and making it something that you love. for me the noughties fashion was just up my street and I think as we get older we should wear what we love, rather than what’s in fashion particularly so though lucky that Y”K is “in”, it doesn’t have to be. Making choices for me is what it’s all about these days and making myself feel good to create that green cycle of look good, feel good, look even better and so on!
You can tackle the really hard stuff later on, in a less pressurised (and sunnier perhaps) month! That’s what I’d do at any rate, so tackle the fashion with the best online shopping and the rest will come to you!